Thursday 16 April 2015

Science NSB - Word Splash on "Gas"

We had done a Word Splash on "Gas" in class today. 
We came up with sentences to link up the various concepts in the word splash in the right context (e.g. in a specific experiment)
I've attached below a sample of what we had done in class today. 

  • Do continue to come up with more words in the word splash & more sentences, linking the concepts together, on your own. 
  • Do not merely just combine the concepts & phrase them into a sentence (like e.g. Gas is everywhere and can be compressed.) 
  • Consider the right apparatus (e.g. syringe, container, cup, beaker, measuring cylinder) that you can use together with the concepts. 
  • Consider the use of "Gas Particles" to deeper explain any of the concepts in the word splash.
2 video on Gases

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