Thursday 9 April 2015

Parents Signature & Corrections for Science Spelling in NSB

  1. Corrections for last week's spelling (if any)
  2. Parents' Signature 
  3. Remember to bring NSB tomorrow for this week's spelling
Recap on today's experiment's observation that you've written in your NSB
  • Aim: To test whether air occupy space
  • First Activity
  • Procedures: Plastic cup with tissue paper attached at the bottom of the cup. Plastic cup was inverted and then pushed into the tub of blue-coloured water. (Ensure the whole plastic cup is below the water surface in the tub.
  • Observation: Only 5 groups observed that their tissue paper in the cup remains dry.
  • Second Activity
  • Procedures: A hole was made at the based of the cup & the same experiment was repeated.
  • Observation: All the groups were able to see the water level in the cup slowly rising. Bubbles were also seen inside the cup as the water level rises.
Unusual observation
  • When water will filled up in the plastic cup & it was inverted inside the tub of water, slowly move the inverted cup up to the surface of the water in the tub. It was observed that the water in the cup did not flow out at all. 
I encouraged you to think deeper about today's observations. Why were these observations made? What can you conclude able the water and the air? We will discuss more on Monday. 

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