Friday 17 April 2015

Letter to Parents on Malacca Trip Briefing & making payment

The following are the items you are to bring on Monday, latest Tuesday.

  • Photocopy of passport 
  • Edusave Withdrawal Form or $73.50 Cash/Cheque payment in a sealed envelop
(For Non-Singaporean or any pupil who do not want to use the Edusave, you need to submit cash or cheque payment of $73.50. Do not combine the payment with the T-shirt Order.)
  • Sealed envelop containing $7 cash & T-shirt Order Slip. (Please write your name, class & T-shirt size on the envelop)
Collection of Passport will only be done from 4 May, after the Labour Day long weekend. Please do not bring your passport next week. 

Should there be any concerns, you may drop me an email @ 

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