Monday 13 April 2015

Science Activity 5 & NSB

Complete Activity 5 page 1-5. 
This is due on Wednesday, 15 Apr.

4 Steps in answering Open-Ended Questions on page 3 to 5.

  1. Read the question and highlight the key words.
  2. Link question to the topic / concept that you have learnt. Write down the topic / concept in point form at the side of the question.
  3. Construct your answer. (Bear in mind the importance of framing your answer with specific key words and language)
  4. Review your answer. (Read the question answer and check that your answer has fully covered the main points.)
Do refer to the summary below on today's lesson to help you answer the open-ended questions.

We have discussed quite a lot today on the following 2 experiments & you should have written down the observation & explanation for them in your NSB:

  1. The experiment carried out last Thursday at the Science Lab (Inverting the plastic cup with tissue paper inside)
  2. The carnation milk can with only 1 poked hole to allow water to flow out.
Here's the concept & explanation consolidated in the above experiments:

  • As the plastic cup with tissue paper is inverted & pushed into the tub of water, air occupy the space inside the cup. The water in the tub cannot enter the cup so the water level in the cup remains at the bottom & did not rise up.
  • When a hole is made at the base of the plastic cup, air occupying the space inside the cup can now escape from the hole. The water in the tub can then enter the cup to take up the space previously occupied by the air. So, the water level in the cup rises slowly and bubbles were seen at the hole, suggesting that the air had escaped.

  • It was difficult for the milk in the can to flow out from the 1 hole because air occupy space inside the can. Air cannot escape from the 1 hole at the same time when we want to pour the milk out from the hole.
  • When another hole was made at the opposite side of the lid, air occupying the space inside the can can now escape from the 2nd hole, so the milk can flow out from the 1st hole easily.

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