Friday 10 April 2015

Maths Workbook Practice 2 (pg 113 to 115 only)

This task will take not more than 30 minutes and is due Monday, 13 Apr.
  • Do Corrections for pg 109 to 112.
  • Do pg 113 to 115 only (Do Not do pg 116 yet)

Recap the 4 steps to drawing angles:
  1. On the given line, identify & mark out the "C". This is where the Centre of the base line / zero line in your protractor should lies.
  2. Place the base line / zero line of your protractor on the given line with the Centre exactly on "C"
  3. Measure the angle with the inner or outer scale. Mark with a "dot" on your paper at the edge of the protractor after reading off the angle.
  4. Draw a line through the "dot" to the Centre "C".

Extra Activity - The Online Protractor

  • Click here to practice reading off angles with the online protractor. 

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