Wednesday 15 April 2015

Maths Revision for Topical Test 3

I've returned the following items for your revision for tomorrow's Topical Test 3:

  • Workbook Chapter 5: Fractions - Practice 1-3 (Get Parents' Signature on pg 79 only)
  • Workbook Chapter 5: Fractions - Practice 4-6
  • Workbook Chapter 6: Angles - Practice 1-4 (I've checked and marked your drawing angles corrections. Do check if there are any more outstanding corrections to complete as homework. I had also gone through the answers to pg 119 & 120 in class today.)
  • Maths File with Fractions Worksheet 1 & 2 filed in (Get Parents' Signature on both worksheets)
Do bring back the above items tomorrow for filing. 

Remembering the First Class Promise...
Notes to self: Arriane and Abbey / Quote: Always strive to be better than your best.

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