Wednesday 8 January 2014

3B Science Matters

Hi Parents of 3B,

1) Science Spelling

A copy of the Science Spelling for Term 1 has been given out to the pupils. Science spelling will be conducted every Friday, starting from Week 2. The following is the schedule:

Week 2 (17 Jan)- Classification: No. 1-10
Week 3 (24 Jan)- Classification: No. 11-20
Week 4 - No Spelling
Week 5 (7 Feb) - Plants: No. 1-10
Week 6 (14 Feb) - Plants: No. 11-20
Week 7 (21 Feb) - Fungi and Bacteria: No. 1-10
Week 8 (28 Feb) - Fungi and Bacteria: No. 11-20

2) Science Process Skills Book
Pupils have been reminded to bring their Science Process Skills Book by Friday (10 Jan).

3) Knowledge Building Consent Form

A letter by Dr. Teo Chew Lee has been given to your child today. The class will be using knowledge building in the teaching of English & Science lessons. The pupils will be introduced how to use Knowledge Forum (KF), the knowledge building software currently used in Endeavour Primary School. They will be going to the computer lab to use KF for 2 periods in English and 2 periods in Science every week. Please complete and sign the form and return to me by this Friday (10 Jan).

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