Wednesday 29 January 2014

Science AA Collection & Classification

Dear pupils,

For the majority of the class, your draft plan has been checked and I've either put some comments or an "Ok" sign. You may proceed to start collecting your items and classify them on vanguard sheet, cardboard or shoe boxes.

For the rest, if I've not seen your draft, please get it done by next Wed so that you can start on the project.

Here are some helpful reminders when you do your collection and clasification.

1) Count your items collected and make sure you have at least 10 items.

2) Avoid printing out pictures from the internet to paste and classify. Items MUST be collected or some effort to look for them and take pictures of them.

3) You must have 1 heading and at least 3 sub-headings OR 1 heading, 2 sub-headings and further subsub-headings when you classify the items.

4) Simple ways to classify include by colours, sizes, shape and texture.

5) Do ensure you have straight line drawn linking the headings to the sub-headings and all e way to each items. (A typical classification diagram)

Mrs Tan

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