Thursday 23 January 2014

Science AA: Collection and Classification

Dear pupils,

I'll be breaking down the Assessment into small and manageable parts.

1) Plan and draft out your classification diagram in your Nature Study Book. When you plan, take into consideration that the items you collect are inexpensive items and easy to collect.
2) Wait for my "OK" signal, indication that your draft is fine and you can start collecting and doing up the classification chart.
3) Start collecting your items and working on the classification diagram in various ways (vanguard, cardboard, shoebox, etc)
4) Present your work to your classmates.
5) Sit for a mini-test.

The above will be spread out over Week 4 to Week 7.

To start off, your homework over the weekend is to do step one. As I'll be collecting the Nature Study Book tomorrow after the spelling test, you can think about it first and draw out your plan in the Book on Monday when you receive the Book.
Deadline for Step 1: Draft work: Tuesday 28 Jan 2014

Mrs Tan

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