Tuesday 14 January 2014

Knowledge Forum (KF) Login

Dear 3B Parents,

The class had their first KB computer Lab Session today. They were taught how to login to KF with a their Username and password. Kindly allow your child to login to KF from home to check if there is any technical problem. Below are some reminders before logging in.

1) Go to Endeavour Primary School Website => Pupils Hub => Knowledge Forum => New Account: Please login HERE.

2)Select "EndeavourPri_Jan2014" in the Database dropdown list.

3)Enter Username and password. (See the attached document below.) Don't forgot to check if there is a "space" or "comma" between your name. If all UPPER CASE don't work, try all lower case.

4)You'll be prompt to download => click "open" => Accept the risk to run application => You're now in KF "Welcome" view

5) Double Click on 3B_2014. This will be where pupils will do their posting of notes. (You do not need to post anything yet.)

Note: You will need to have a Java in your home computer in order to access KF. If there are other technical issues, kindly write down in your child's handbook to show it to me.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Mrs Tan

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