Tuesday 21 January 2014

Cyberwellness Survey for Pupils & Parents

Dear pupils & parents,

Please complete the survey below by the end of the next week. 

Objective of the surveys:
To identify areas of concerns with regards to Cyberwellness implementation in EDP
To assist the Cyberwellness team in improving Cyberwellness programmes

Pupil's survey
The form has been assigned to all pupils in McOnline under the assignments tab. Pupils have been given two weeks to complete the survey at home.

Parents' survey
Kindly complete the survey form at the Cyberwellness blog in our school website under (Endeavour blog - Other blogs - Blogs). Click on the tab labelled as "Blog" at the top of the page to view the survey. 
The direct link to the survey is: http://edpcyberwellness.weebly.com/blog.html. 
Parents are also given two weeks to complete the survey.

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