Thursday 30 January 2014

2014 CNY concert @ Hall

Here are some pictures taken during CNY concert. Happy viewing.

3B won the CNY Classroom Decoration Competition

Thank you 3B parents and pupils for your contributions and help to decorate the classroom.

I'm most proud of you pupils. All the CNY cards made during your Art lesson were awesome. Thank you for all the red packages. You took 1 period only and the class was full of red packets. Here are some pictures that I've managed to take before the red packets start falling off.

I'll give out all the prizes next week.

Have a Wonderful CNY break & take good care of yourself too!

2014 Chinese New Year celebration

The concert being held in the hall.  

Class Photo: 2014 Chinese New Year celebration

A wonderful time to take a class photo on this festive occasion.

Coloring Activity: 2014 Chinese New Year celebration

After a brief introduction of the Chinese New Year, Ang-Pow (红包) containing sweets were given out to the class. Subsequently, the class continued with the coloring activity. 

2014 Chinese New Year celebration

Assembling in the parade ground before the morning flag raising ceremony. 

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Science Supplementary Class

Science Supplementary Class will start next Thursday, 6 Feb from 2.15pm - 3.45pm.

The consent form has been given out on Tuesday. Kindly return the acknowledgement slip by this thursday.

There are 4 sessions this term - 6, 13, 20 and 27 Feb.

Science AA Collection & Classification

Dear pupils,

For the majority of the class, your draft plan has been checked and I've either put some comments or an "Ok" sign. You may proceed to start collecting your items and classify them on vanguard sheet, cardboard or shoe boxes.

For the rest, if I've not seen your draft, please get it done by next Wed so that you can start on the project.

Here are some helpful reminders when you do your collection and clasification.

1) Count your items collected and make sure you have at least 10 items.

2) Avoid printing out pictures from the internet to paste and classify. Items MUST be collected or some effort to look for them and take pictures of them.

3) You must have 1 heading and at least 3 sub-headings OR 1 heading, 2 sub-headings and further subsub-headings when you classify the items.

4) Simple ways to classify include by colours, sizes, shape and texture.

5) Do ensure you have straight line drawn linking the headings to the sub-headings and all e way to each items. (A typical classification diagram)

Mrs Tan

Homework: Heuristics Worksheet 3

Heuristics Worksheet 3 is due next Friday (7 Feb). Remember to draw the comparison model for all the questions. The following things must be shown the your answer:
1) Highlight/Underline keywords in the question.
2) Draw the comparison model with proper labels.
3) Write the number sentence.
4) Write the final sentence.
5) Write the final answer with units in the blank provided.
6) Check your work by working backwards.

Return of Maths WB and Maths File for Revision

Dear all,

The Maths Workbook and File has been returned today. Parent's Signature is required on the following pages:

Workbook - Practice 1 of Chapter 1 & 2 (Sign on page 5 & 23 on top right hand corner)
File - Sign on Parent's Signature column in the Content Page.

Please remember to bring back all your workbook and file on Tuesday when you come back from CNY break.

Mrs Tan

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Learning Sheet 2.9

Remember to use the QRAC and TGPS strategies to complete this task which is due tomorrow.

Monday 27 January 2014

VC WS 12

... is due tomorrow.

Making your own terrarium

Hi all,

Here's the pictures the plant terrarium that we've discussed in class today. I'll be putting the plant terrarium in class for 2 days. You need to observe and think about the following question.
1) What makes up the plant?
2) How are the 2 plants different?
3) What did you notice at the inner side of the plastic cover? How did this happen?

Record your observations in your Nature Study Book.

Friday 24 January 2014


WS 2 is due on Monday. (Remember to answer the discussion questions too)

All of you did a great job in completing your LS tasks on time. Keep it up!
One Celebration Clap to everyone.

Keep fit and healthy during the weekend.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Science AA: Collection and Classification

Dear pupils,

I'll be breaking down the Assessment into small and manageable parts.

1) Plan and draft out your classification diagram in your Nature Study Book. When you plan, take into consideration that the items you collect are inexpensive items and easy to collect.
2) Wait for my "OK" signal, indication that your draft is fine and you can start collecting and doing up the classification chart.
3) Start collecting your items and working on the classification diagram in various ways (vanguard, cardboard, shoebox, etc)
4) Present your work to your classmates.
5) Sit for a mini-test.

The above will be spread out over Week 4 to Week 7.

To start off, your homework over the weekend is to do step one. As I'll be collecting the Nature Study Book tomorrow after the spelling test, you can think about it first and draw out your plan in the Book on Monday when you receive the Book.
Deadline for Step 1: Draft work: Tuesday 28 Jan 2014

Mrs Tan


WS 2 is due tomorrow.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Literature Programme

Please remember to show the letter to you parents. If you already have the book: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" at home, you need not buy it any more. For those who are purchasing a copy, submit your payment ($12.10), in an envelope with your name written on it, to me tomorrow.

Free entrance ticket to ICE

Hi all,

Pupils were given a free entrance ticket to ICE today. I'm attaching the brochure here for your refernece.

Best Regards,
Mrs Tan

Math Test 1

Dear pupils,

Topics covered in Math Test 1
1) Chapter 1 & 2

Test will be conducted in Week 5

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Thinking Like A Scientist

Dear all, 

Here's the video on "Thinking Like A Scientist".

Cyberwellness Survey for Pupils & Parents

Dear pupils & parents,

Please complete the survey below by the end of the next week. 

Objective of the surveys:
To identify areas of concerns with regards to Cyberwellness implementation in EDP
To assist the Cyberwellness team in improving Cyberwellness programmes

Pupil's survey
The form has been assigned to all pupils in McOnline under the assignments tab. Pupils have been given two weeks to complete the survey at home.

Parents' survey
Kindly complete the survey form at the Cyberwellness blog in our school website under (Endeavour blog - Other blogs - Blogs). Click on the tab labelled as "Blog" at the top of the page to view the survey. 
The direct link to the survey is: 
Parents are also given two weeks to complete the survey.

Term 1 Assessment

Dear parents,

A letter was sent out today regarding term 1 assessment. I was unable to distribute to the class as I did not see the class during the last few periods. I'll distribute to them tomorrow. I've attached a copy here for your reference. More information on the coverage of the test will be given nearer the test date. Thank You

Best Regards,
Mrs Tan

Friday 17 January 2014

What the heck is Knowledge Building???

Solution to some technical fault when logging in KF

Hi all,

Some pupils brought up this problem when logging into KF.
"Application blocked my security settings"

This is the solution.
1) go to 'start' program and click Java.
2) click configure java.
3) under security tab, change the security level to medium.
4) your problem is now solved.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs Tan

English Matters

Please get your parents to sign:

  1. Unit 1 Learning Sheets
  2. Grammar Smart Book
Also, remember that you have Reading Comprehension (RC) WS 1 as homework. It is due on Monday.

Stay fit and healthy.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Knowledge Forum - How to post a note

Hi all,

These are the steps to post a note on KF.
1) File => New Note
2) theory building => select "My Theory" or "I need to understand"
3) type your details in the note.
4) click close => yes contribute
5) type the title
6) click contribute

To delete note
1) select the note
2) go to edit => "clear from current view"

Tuesday 14 January 2014

STEP Fitness Day

Knowledge Forum (KF) Login

Dear 3B Parents,

The class had their first KB computer Lab Session today. They were taught how to login to KF with a their Username and password. Kindly allow your child to login to KF from home to check if there is any technical problem. Below are some reminders before logging in.

1) Go to Endeavour Primary School Website => Pupils Hub => Knowledge Forum => New Account: Please login HERE.

2)Select "EndeavourPri_Jan2014" in the Database dropdown list.

3)Enter Username and password. (See the attached document below.) Don't forgot to check if there is a "space" or "comma" between your name. If all UPPER CASE don't work, try all lower case.

4)You'll be prompt to download => click "open" => Accept the risk to run application => You're now in KF "Welcome" view

5) Double Click on 3B_2014. This will be where pupils will do their posting of notes. (You do not need to post anything yet.)

Note: You will need to have a Java in your home computer in order to access KF. If there are other technical issues, kindly write down in your child's handbook to show it to me.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Mrs Tan

Monday 13 January 2014

Summary for Maths Unit 1: Numbers to 10,000

Dear pupils,

You've a worksheet given out as HW today. Let's summarise  what you've learnt in Unit 1: Numbers to 10,000.

For concepts on place value, do note the following:
In 1234,
- What does the digit 2 stands for?
Ans: 200 or 2 hundreds or two hundred (All acceptable)
To avoid confusion, I encourage you to write 200.

- What is the value of 2?
Ans: 200  (Question asks for VALUE. The answer must be written in numeral)

- The digit 2 is in the ______ place.
Ans: hundreds ('s' at the back of hundred)

Mrs Tan

Sunday 12 January 2014

Faces of Class 3B

Hi 3B pupils & parents,

I'm uploading all the faces of 3B here. I would like to thank parents and pupils of 3B who came on Fri to help out in the class decoration. I've attached a picture of what they have done with the printouts of the faces.

Have a great weekend!

Best Regards,
Mrs Tan

Wednesday 8 January 2014

3B Science Matters

Hi Parents of 3B,

1) Science Spelling

A copy of the Science Spelling for Term 1 has been given out to the pupils. Science spelling will be conducted every Friday, starting from Week 2. The following is the schedule:

Week 2 (17 Jan)- Classification: No. 1-10
Week 3 (24 Jan)- Classification: No. 11-20
Week 4 - No Spelling
Week 5 (7 Feb) - Plants: No. 1-10
Week 6 (14 Feb) - Plants: No. 11-20
Week 7 (21 Feb) - Fungi and Bacteria: No. 1-10
Week 8 (28 Feb) - Fungi and Bacteria: No. 11-20

2) Science Process Skills Book
Pupils have been reminded to bring their Science Process Skills Book by Friday (10 Jan).

3) Knowledge Building Consent Form

A letter by Dr. Teo Chew Lee has been given to your child today. The class will be using knowledge building in the teaching of English & Science lessons. The pupils will be introduced how to use Knowledge Forum (KF), the knowledge building software currently used in Endeavour Primary School. They will be going to the computer lab to use KF for 2 periods in English and 2 periods in Science every week. Please complete and sign the form and return to me by this Friday (10 Jan).

Change of Class Timetable

Dear all, Please note some slight changes in the class timetable. This is the updated timetable.

Friday 3 January 2014

Reminders for next week

Dear 3B pupils,

1) Bring thermometer on Monday for checking.
2) Bring Art file, oil pastels, old big T-shirt, drawing block, stretch book next Tues.
3) Hand in CCA experience form by 8 Jan (Wed) only for pupils who do not have a CCA yet.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Tan

Thursday 2 January 2014

Maths Heuristics Book

Hi 3B pupils and parents,

Please note that you do not need to buy the Maths Heuristic book. It will not be used this year. The Maths Department will be issuing Heuristic Worksheets instead. You may cancel the item in the welcome letter. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Mrs Tan

Wednesdays and Thursdays

Hi 3B pupils,

Please note that for this week and next week you're allowed to bring your healthy food on Wednesdays and Thursday to eat at 1.15pm. However, this will stop from Week 2 onwards.

In Primary 3, the is no more PAL lessons and you will need to take a heavier recess on Wednesdays and Thursdays as school will end at 1.45pm.

Remember to eat healthily.

Mrs Tan

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Welcome to Class 3B!

Hi pupils of 3B,

Welcome back to school. I will be your form teacher in 2014!

Attached is your new timetable. Do remember to be in PE attire on Tuesdays for Fitness Day.