Wednesday 25 March 2015

What I Want to Know Questions(W)

Dearest 4B,
                We read the text ‘Making Ice Cream’ today in class. As promised, these are the ‘W’ questions that have not been answered by the text. You may want to do research to find out the answers to these questions. Post your answers to the questions by leaving comments in the blog and your answers will be shared with the class.
What I Want to Know (W) Questions:
1) Should I put the mixture into the freezer or the middle part of the refrigerator?
2) Is there a faster way to make ice cream other than putting the mixture into the freezer?
Stay fit and healthy, 4B!

From: Ms Pan


  1. 1)I think we should put the mixture into the freezer

    Amir 4B

  2. 2)I think there is a faster way to make ice cream other than putting the mixture into the freezer.

    Amir 4B

  3. 1) I think we should put the mixture in the middle part of the refrigerator.

    2) Yes! There is a quick way!
    We can put the ingredients together in one of the freezer bag. Seal the bag tightly and shake it hard. Next, place the bag inside the other freezer bag and seal well. Then, put the two bags inside a gallon size bag and fill the bag with ice, follow by sprinkling some salt on top. Wrap the bag in the towel or put your
    gloves on and shake and massage the bag. Please make sure the ice surround the cream mixture. And there it goes, after 5 to 8 minutes, your ice cream is as cold like in the freezer.

    By Mulken ¤ [ ●《■■》●]¤
