Tuesday 10 March 2015

Use the Hands Campaign on Thursday (12 Mar)

To support the Keep Singapore Clean Movement in school, the school will be conducting Use Your Hands Campaign for all levels on Thursday, 12 March  (1.15 to 1.45pm) during last period before dismissal of the school.

The objective is to inculcate in our pupils the importance of taking ownership of their classroom cleanliness and to develop a sense of belonging to the school.

Let’s take this opportunity to :
1)wipe away the thick layer of dust collected on the pigeon hole cabinets,  pupils’ and teacher’s tables,  computer, notice board  and etc.
2) take down torn or outdated display eg New Year Cards and related decorations
3)organize books and files properly
4)clear away unnecessary papers and recyclable items into the recycling bins

Do bring along the following items:

  • Rag cloths
  • Small pails (so that you can wash the used cloths in the classroom without going to and fro the washroom and hence overcrowding the washroom) 

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