Tuesday 31 March 2015

3 Good Notes from Knowledge Forum

Here's were the 3 notes that I'd pulled out from KF for our Science Lesson discussion in class on Monday. For pupils who did not get to copy down in your NSB, here are the notes content. GAS by PRESTON ANG [2015, Mar 26] Theory is gas can be compressed. is spacing in between the gases when the syringe is not pushed Can Gas be compressed? by YU YANG TEOH [2015, Mar 26] Theory is that gas can be compressed in the syringe,I think it is because there is some extra space in the syringe,so,the air is compressed to a small space,where there is no more extra space for the air to be compresed further,therfore,the syringe cannot be pushed forward anymore. yes by KAILIN POH [2015, Mar 26]
Gases can be compressed because each gas particle has relatively vast amounts of room between it and all other gas particles the majority of the time. Thus, compression, which is essentially forcing the gas particles closer together, has a great deal of space to reduce. This contrasts with liquids and solids, which have particles in constant contact with one another, and thus little room to compress
annotationhttp:// POHhttp:// yes by KAILIN POH [2015, Mar 26]
1)      There are spaces between the gas particles. (e.g. Putting 2 marbles in the syringe, I can push the plunger down further)
2)      After compressing the gas particles, I cannot push the plunger down further. (e.g. I continue to push the plunger with 2 marbles in the syringe until I cannot push it anymore)

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