Tuesday 31 March 2015

3 Good Notes from Knowledge Forum

Here's were the 3 notes that I'd pulled out from KF for our Science Lesson discussion in class on Monday. For pupils who did not get to copy down in your NSB, here are the notes content. GAS by PRESTON ANG [2015, Mar 26] Theory is gas can be compressed. is spacing in between the gases when the syringe is not pushed Can Gas be compressed? by YU YANG TEOH [2015, Mar 26] Theory is that gas can be compressed in the syringe,I think it is because there is some extra space in the syringe,so,the air is compressed to a small space,where there is no more extra space for the air to be compresed further,therfore,the syringe cannot be pushed forward anymore. yes by KAILIN POH [2015, Mar 26]
Gases can be compressed because each gas particle has relatively vast amounts of room between it and all other gas particles the majority of the time. Thus, compression, which is essentially forcing the gas particles closer together, has a great deal of space to reduce. This contrasts with liquids and solids, which have particles in constant contact with one another, and thus little room to compress
annotationhttp:// POHhttp:// yes by KAILIN POH [2015, Mar 26]
1)      There are spaces between the gas particles. (e.g. Putting 2 marbles in the syringe, I can push the plunger down further)
2)      After compressing the gas particles, I cannot push the plunger down further. (e.g. I continue to push the plunger with 2 marbles in the syringe until I cannot push it anymore)

Maths Workbook Practice 5

Complete pg 95 to 98

This task should take you 30 minutes and is due tomorrow, 1 Apr.

Monday 30 March 2015

Friday 27 March 2015

Champion Class!

Congratulation Awesome 4B!
I'm proud of your achievement today!
From all your faces, I can sense your excitement & joy. It's a pity I can't be there to share your joy.
Keep up the good spirit of sportsmanship!

Pupils of Mrs J.Tan's Cafe...... you're
"Brewing a Great Year Rich & Strong!"

Enjoy the pictures & have a good weekend!

Thursday 26 March 2015

Best Pieces of Thank You card & letter to Mr Lee Kuan Yew

I had selected more than 5 best pieces to submit to the school for display at the library. They are all awesome work! Thank you pupils for putting effort to write your tributes to Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

Here are the best pieces of work.

Science Homework this weekend

Write down what you've learnt from today's KB lesson & the 2 experiments done.

Under Gas:
1) What experiment did we do today to test whether gas can be compressed?
     - What did you observe in the experiment?
     - How else do you think we can test whether gas can be compressed?

2) What experiment did we do today to test whether gas has mass?
     - What did you observe in the experiment?
     - How else do you think we can test whether gas has mass?

3) Think about how we can test for whether gas has volume? What experiment can we conduct? (You may do some research to find out on this)

STAR Question: 
What do you think make up a gas? What is inside a gas, allowing it to be able to be compressed up to a certain point?

English Homework

  • PS1 of Companion Booklet 4 + the Cover Page  are due on Monday.
  • LRD page 15 is due tomorrow. Complete the task in your Spelling Book.  Submit your Spelling Books before you go for Sports Day.

Heuristic Worksheet (1 Quantity Remains unchanged)

Complete only page 2 (Question 1 & 2).
This should take you not more than 30 minutes.
This is due on Monday, 30 Mar.


  1. Which person/quantity is unchanged?
  2. Is the total given?
  3. Remember to draw the model before & after.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

What I Want to Know Questions(W)

Dearest 4B,
                We read the text ‘Making Ice Cream’ today in class. As promised, these are the ‘W’ questions that have not been answered by the text. You may want to do research to find out the answers to these questions. Post your answers to the questions by leaving comments in the blog and your answers will be shared with the class.
What I Want to Know (W) Questions:
1) Should I put the mixture into the freezer or the middle part of the refrigerator?
2) Is there a faster way to make ice cream other than putting the mixture into the freezer?
Stay fit and healthy, 4B!

From: Ms Pan

Tribute to LKY...

Dear Pupils,

We had a good lesson today on Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
Hope you had a good time to reflect and pen down (or draw) you reflections on Mr Lee Kuan Yew using Activity A, B or C. Pupils who cannot complete in class today, do submit to me by tomorrow.

I'll be collecting 5 best pieces to submit for display on the whiteboard in front of the library. The school will consolidate them and bind them into a scrap book. The rest of the work will be displayed in class. If you would like to keep them at home, do let me know.

Here's some pictures to share....

Maths Workbook Practice 4 (pg 93-94)

This is due tomorrow, 26 Mar.

You may encounter some difficulty on pg 94 for subtracting of fractions. Try first & we will go through them in class tomorrow.

This task should take you 20 minutes to complete.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Starbucks News: Let's toast! You deserve the awards!

Congratulations to all your hardwork!
We've won:
1) Primary 4 Level Best Decorated Class
2) Cleanest classroom for Term 1

Monday 23 March 2015

English tasks

  1. Do a write-up for the SBC for Practice 2 (page 17) of your LC Book in a foolscap. This task is due tomorrow.
  2. The compo corrections for "Lost" is due on Wednesday 25 March, so you will have ample time to complete it. Try to type it out and send via email to me. Alternatively, you can save it in a thumbdrive for me to extract. Preferably, you should print the corrections out and attach it at the back of your original compo. If you are unable to type or save it, I would suggest you write out the corrections in a foolscap. Use ONLY black or blue pen or pencil.
  3. Record your reading and do a write-up of the passage and the SBC in Practice 3 of your LC Book (pages 26 and 27). Remember to label the recordings properly: NamePrac3. Send your recordings to me via email. As for the write-up, you need to do it on a foolscap. These tasks are due on Monday, 30 March.

Friday 13 March 2015

March Holiday Assignments

  1. Composition: "Honesty". You need to complete the "Mountain" before you do the composition. Write your story in a foolscap (leave a line) and this task is due on Monday 23 March.
  2. McOnline tasks. Click on this link. The window period is from Monday 16 March to Friday 20 March only. I will be extracting the your performance data on Friday and will be giving a report for your parents on Monday, 23 March.
If you are still unsure of what to do, contact your group members or any of your classmates. I'm very sure many of them will know what to do.

In the meantime, enjoy your holidaysKeep fit and healthy.

Maths March Holiday Homework

Complete Review 2.
This is due Monday, 23 March.

Have a good, restful March Holiday Break! Do take care of yourself, keep fit & stay healthy!

Thursday 12 March 2015

Science March Holiday Project

This is to be done on fulscape and/or construction paper. Do decorate your observations, results and conclusion. I'll put up the good ones in the classroom at our "Brewing Awesome Work" Corner.

Complete this & hand in by Monday, 23 March 2015.

Here's the instruction given in class today.
Aim of experiment: To find out if the types of seeds affect the growth of the seed. 
Others Observations: Measure the height of the seedling & describe its growth each day. You may draw or take pictures & paste them on the construction paper to show each day's growth.

Since you're using clear plastic bag to conduct this experiment, do take this opportunity to observe clearly the formation of the roots & shoot and the structures of the roots as more roots come out.

VC assignment ...

WS 16 is due tomorrow.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Use the Hands Campaign on Thursday (12 Mar)

To support the Keep Singapore Clean Movement in school, the school will be conducting Use Your Hands Campaign for all levels on Thursday, 12 March  (1.15 to 1.45pm) during last period before dismissal of the school.

The objective is to inculcate in our pupils the importance of taking ownership of their classroom cleanliness and to develop a sense of belonging to the school.

Let’s take this opportunity to :
1)wipe away the thick layer of dust collected on the pigeon hole cabinets,  pupils’ and teacher’s tables,  computer, notice board  and etc.
2) take down torn or outdated display eg New Year Cards and related decorations
3)organize books and files properly
4)clear away unnecessary papers and recyclable items into the recycling bins

Do bring along the following items:

  • Rag cloths
  • Small pails (so that you can wash the used cloths in the classroom without going to and fro the washroom and hence overcrowding the washroom) 

Maths Test 2 returned for Parents' Signature

Please get the Test 2 signed & returned tomorrow.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Science Revision

I've gone through and returned the following items for your revision today.

  • Process Skill Book
  • Term 1 Worksheet (to be filed into Science file on your own)

I'll collect the following items tomorrow right after the Science Test.

  • Process Skill Book
  • Science File (with parents' signature)

A reminder to hand-in your Maths file & Workbook tomorrow if you did not do so today.

Revise ...

Please remember to revise your work for Units 1 to 3 (Learning Sheets and Companion Booklets) for your Topical Test tomorrow. All the best!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Fractions Activity on Mixed Numbers

Recap on what we've learnt today.
Mixed Number = Whole Number + Fractional Part

Pictures below shows pupils working in groups of 4 to play with the fraction discs given.