Tuesday 11 March 2014

Swimsafer in Term 2 & CCA Choice in Term 3 onwards

Dear all,

A letter regarding the above has been given out today.

1) Swimsafer
- If you has the Swimsafer certificate (any level), you can be exempted from the programme in Term 2.
- Please submit the photocopy of the certificate with a letter to be exempted from the programme.

2) CCA in Term 3 onwards
- Please select the 3 choices in order of preference.
- Note that Aesthetics CCAs will conduct a separate experiential session in Term 3.
- Please indicate if you're interested to try out.


  1. Hi Mrs Tan, I would like to check if my child already has a bronze and will he obtain the next level, Silver if the child attend the swimming session?

  2. Hi, I've checked with the school. The Swimming program will give the pupils a beginners certificate. There will not be higher level certificates given to pupils. The purpose of this program is more catered to pupils who do not know how to swim or have little swimming skills. Pupils who already have swimming outside can choose to opt out by providing the necessary swimming certificate.

  3. Noted with thanks, Mrs Tan. We've decided to opt out for Titus. Have a nice day.

  4. Hi Mrs Tan, I would like to know about Learning Journey schedule for P3(B) class, is there any planing for year 2014?

  5. Yes, P3 will be going for Science Learning Journey in Term 3 & Social Studies LJ in Term 4. More details will be provided nearer to the date.
