Saturday 15 March 2014

March Holiday on Knowledge Forum

Dear Pupils,

I will be pulling out some interesting notes from the diversity view into a new view "March Holiday Learning". I encourage you to continue with some of the discussions and build-on from your friend's notes.

Knowledge building is all about improving one another's ideas, asking good questions about things happening around you and seeking to find new information from all types of sources. Whether you're at home or overseas, I encourage you to be aware of the diversity around you. There are many things that caught me by surprise this week. I'm sharing two observation here.

1) As I walked around in my neighbourhood, I saw patches of dried grasses. The trees and plants has more fallen leaves than usual and the colour of the leaves are fading away. This reminds me of what we're learning in class about living things and what keeps them alive.

2) The crickets left in the small aquarium have undergone a lot of changes. This week, it kept making the crciket's sound. Currently, there are only 3 crickets left and they are huge. I went to do a bit of research and learnt how to identify the male and female crickets. So, I have 1 male and 2 female crickets at the moment. If they are still alive, I'll bring them back when school reopens. The next question I ask is whether they will start to breed.... Hmm....

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