Friday 14 March 2014

March Holiday Homework - Maths & Science

- To complete Revision 1 (teared out from Maths WB 3A part 1)

- To conduct the bread mould experiment and record observations for 5 days on Activity 6.
- Choose either one of the three aims to carry out the experiment.
   1) To find out if moist bread or toasted bread would affect how bread mould would grow.
  • Same type of bread (one with water sprinkled, one toasted till hard)         
   2) To find out if the presence of water/moisture affect how bread mould would grow.
  • Same type of bread (one with water sprinkled, one without water spinkled)
   3) To find out if different types of bread affect the growth of mould on the bread.
  • Different types of bread 
  • Both with water spinkled

- CAUTION: Do not pour too much water on the bread. Sufficient water will do. Moulds need warmth and water to grow.
- Change Question 3 accordingly if the aim of your experiment is different. E.g. Why doesn't the Multigrain bread look the same as the white bread?

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