Friday 28 March 2014

For Monday

  • Submit your homework: RC WS 5.
  • Revise your spelling list for Unit 5: Mystery of the Missing Big Wig. Bring along your spelling book.
  • Bring along your CACF storybook and colour pencils for our Supplementary lesson in the afternoon. Remember to read chapters 6 to 10.
Have a good weekend with your family and keep fit and healthy.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Monday 24 March 2014

Video on Virus & Bacteria

Germs Movie for Kids - Virus & Bacteria Introduct…:

Schedule for Science Spelling (Term 2)

Science Spelling for Term 2
•Week 2 (Fri, 4 Apr): Animals (1-10)
•Week 3 (Fri, 11 Apr): Animals (11-20)
•Week 4: Good Friday (No Spelling)
•Week 5 (Fri, 25 Apr): Materials (1-10)

•Week 6 (Fri, 2 May): Materials (11-20)

**Note: Please remember to bring your Nature Study Book every Friday.

MC Online report

  • Please get your parents to acknowledge the MC Online report that I gave you today and return it to me tomorrow.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Moving into our permanent classroom from Term 2 onwards

Hi pupils,

Thank you for helping to move all the books and files to our new classroom before the holiday begins. We will be at our new classroom from Term 2 onwards. I will be back in school on Fri during the holidays to arrange the books and files and put up some items. If you and your parents are free to come, let me know by putting a comment on this post. The time will be 10am on 21 Mar (Fri).

Thank you once again for keeping the Malay classroom clean and neat in Term 1. Every effort counts.

Have a restful holiday break!
Best Regards,
Mrs Tan

March Holiday on Knowledge Forum

Dear Pupils,

I will be pulling out some interesting notes from the diversity view into a new view "March Holiday Learning". I encourage you to continue with some of the discussions and build-on from your friend's notes.

Knowledge building is all about improving one another's ideas, asking good questions about things happening around you and seeking to find new information from all types of sources. Whether you're at home or overseas, I encourage you to be aware of the diversity around you. There are many things that caught me by surprise this week. I'm sharing two observation here.

1) As I walked around in my neighbourhood, I saw patches of dried grasses. The trees and plants has more fallen leaves than usual and the colour of the leaves are fading away. This reminds me of what we're learning in class about living things and what keeps them alive.

2) The crickets left in the small aquarium have undergone a lot of changes. This week, it kept making the crciket's sound. Currently, there are only 3 crickets left and they are huge. I went to do a bit of research and learnt how to identify the male and female crickets. So, I have 1 male and 2 female crickets at the moment. If they are still alive, I'll bring them back when school reopens. The next question I ask is whether they will start to breed.... Hmm....

Friday 14 March 2014

March holiday tasks

  1. Read your CACF. Enjoy!
  2. Complete your online English sets. There are 3 in all. Click on this link to go to the login page: mconline.
  3. Try out the Conversation Cards with your family members. They are great to start conversations with.

Have a good rest and stay fit and healthy.

March Holiday Homework - Maths & Science

- To complete Revision 1 (teared out from Maths WB 3A part 1)

- To conduct the bread mould experiment and record observations for 5 days on Activity 6.
- Choose either one of the three aims to carry out the experiment.
   1) To find out if moist bread or toasted bread would affect how bread mould would grow.
  • Same type of bread (one with water sprinkled, one toasted till hard)         
   2) To find out if the presence of water/moisture affect how bread mould would grow.
  • Same type of bread (one with water sprinkled, one without water spinkled)
   3) To find out if different types of bread affect the growth of mould on the bread.
  • Different types of bread 
  • Both with water spinkled

- CAUTION: Do not pour too much water on the bread. Sufficient water will do. Moulds need warmth and water to grow.
- Change Question 3 accordingly if the aim of your experiment is different. E.g. Why doesn't the Multigrain bread look the same as the white bread?

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Swimsafer in Term 2 & CCA Choice in Term 3 onwards

Dear all,

A letter regarding the above has been given out today.

1) Swimsafer
- If you has the Swimsafer certificate (any level), you can be exempted from the programme in Term 2.
- Please submit the photocopy of the certificate with a letter to be exempted from the programme.

2) CCA in Term 3 onwards
- Please select the 3 choices in order of preference.
- Note that Aesthetics CCAs will conduct a separate experiential session in Term 3.
- Please indicate if you're interested to try out.

Fungi & Bacteria

Hi all,

Here's the link to the 2 videos on Fungi that you've seen in class today.
1) Fungi in the Lab
2) Fungi Kingdom 

Here's the link to the slides shared in class today on Pictures of Fungi.

Remember to write down your ideas (as many as you have) under the two columns (New Information & I need to understand) in your Nature Study Book.

Do post some of the interesting ideas on KF too so that your friends can build on from there.

Friday 7 March 2014

Weekend Homework (7 Mar)

1) Knowledge Forum
- Go to Plants View: Read Jolyn's note on "Why are plants important?". (Circled in red) Build on her note by sharing your idea on the importance and uses of plants. Give as many examples as you can share.
- Go to Fungi & Bacteria View: Post new notes on Fungi in the following areas: characteristics, types of fungi, place it grows, usefulness/harmful
(Remember to use a specific TITLE for your note)

2) 3B Rainbow Day Skit - (International Friendship Day)
- Login to MC online.
- Go to Home => Google Apps => Docs
- Go to "Shared with me"
- Click "2014 Term2 P3B International Friendship Day Performance"
- Inputs your ideas in the Script.

English Test (1) and English Worksheet File

Please remember to do these:

  1. Get your parents to sign the English Test (1) before you file it into your English Worksheet file.
  2. Return your English Worksheet file to me on Monday.
  3. Revise your Unit 1 to Unit 4 LS for the English Test (2) on Monday.
In the meantime,
Stay fit and healthy. Get enough rest and hydrate yourself sufficiently.

Monday 3 March 2014

February Maths Quiz

These are the pupils who has attempted the Sudoku and has gotten all correct. You've persevere and made it! We will be picking the 3 lucky winners tomorrow and they will be getting a prize.

1) Yik Kan
2) Jewel
3) Jeff
4) Edrea
5) Jie Xin
6) Kezia
7) Samantha
8) Jolyn
9) Nicholas
10) Felise
11) Jeslyn

The 3 winners are Nicholas, Samantha and Jeslyn

Star Pupils for the Month of January & Febuary

Star Pupils for January
Jeslyn Yeo
Teoh Yu Yang

Star Pupils for February
Felise Tan
Denzel Tan

Science Process Skills - Homework

Chapter 2

Q22, 36, 37, 40
Due tomorrow. We'll be going through the questions during Science lesson tomorrow.