Friday 14 August 2015

Maths homework; Maths File & Science Worksheet for filing

Maths File
  • Decimal & Time Worksheet 1 & 2 has been returned for filing today. 
  • Revise for Maths Test on Wednesday, 19 Aug.
  • Get Parents' Signature on the content page.
  • Bring back file on Wednesday, 19 Aug.
Stretch Worksheet 3
  • This is due Monday, 17 Aug.
  • Note: I'll be going through Stretch Worksheet 1 & 2 next Monday as revision for your Maths Test on Wed.
To be filed into your Science File at home
The following items has been returned today.
  • Topical Worksheet 1 (Effects of Heat)
  • Topical Worksheet 2 (Heat Energy)
  • MCQ Practice Paper Set 1
Do file them neatly into your Science File at home.
Revise for Science Test on Monday, 17 Aug.
Get Parents' Signature on the content page.
Bring back the file on Monday, 17 Aug.

Image result for have a great weekendImage result for have a great weekend

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