Tuesday 14 July 2015

Reminders for Science - Spelling & Word Splash

Science Spelling (Heat No. 11-20)
This will be conducted next Monday, 20 July. Do study the meaning of the words as I'll test the meaning & you'll write the word.

Do up a Word Splash on "Heat Flow" in your NSB

The purpose of this activity is to build your vocab for this topic and generate concepts using these words for the topic. As such, the words should be mostly 1 word or short phrase. 

Examples of words under the topic "Heat Flow" are:

  • hot
  • cold
  • travels
  • surroundings
  • gain heat
  • Soild
  • Liquid
  • Gas
  • Conducts
  • movement
  • heated up
  • flame
In the next lesson, I'll show you how to do linking of words to generate the science concepts for this topic. You will then be required to write down sentences to show how the words are linked up into a concept. You can try out on your own first.

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