Thursday 2 July 2015

Maths & Science Homework Due on Monday

Maths Heuristic (Before-After: Equal End) 
Complete the rest of the questions as homework.

Maths Learnlogy Assignment (Click here)
Go to Week 1 Revision (Fractions) & complete 5 questions on Fractions

Revise Maths: Rounding Off Decimal

Science NSB
We had a hands-on activity today with ice.
Write down all your observation on "ICE" in your NSB. Make use of your sense of touch ("hands") & sense of sight ("eyes") as you think deeper into what you have observed about the ice.

Here are some questions to help you.

  • Describe what you observed when you hold the ice in your hand.
  • What causes the ice to melt?
  • Where do you think the heat comes from?
  • Can coldness come out of the ice?
  • Can heat come out of the ice?
You can upload some of your thoughts/ideas into KF at the New KF Website
Login ID & password is the one that you used for EL KF login.
Click on the View: 4B_2015_Heat Energy

In the event you cannot login, you can post your ideas on class blog under this post as a comment.

1 comment:

  1. ●If an ice was put on my hand, I will feel my hand is cold because the heat from my hand is leaving my skin and moving into the ice.

    ●This is why the ice melts.

    ●Heat is transfer of energy from a higher temperature to a lower temperature object.

    ●What causes the ice to melt?
    》 It is because the ice gain heat.

    ● Where do you think the heat comes from?
    》The heat comes from the surroundings.

    ● Can coldness come out of the ice?
    》 Yes, coldness can come out of the ice.

    ● Can heat come out of the ice?
    》 No, heat cannot come out of the ice.

    Heat gain•••••• can cause matter to

    ■ EXPAND
    ■ Change in state from solid to liquid
    From liquid to gas

    Heat loss•••••• can cause matter to

    ■ Change in state from liquid to solid
    From gas to liquid

    (by Mulken, 4B)
