Friday 31 July 2015

Grammar Smart ...

pages 70 and 71 on Verbs Forms are due on Monday.

Week 5 Weekend Homework

Maths Learnlogy Assignment (Click here)
Access from 31 July, Friday onwards
  • Go to Week 5 Revision (Fractions & Decimal) & complete 5 questions.
  • [Selected Pupils Only] Complete Additional 5 questions.
Science Activity 13 - Solid Expansion & Contraction
  • Complete all three pages.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Maths Workbook Practice 8

Complete Page 63-66

This is due tomorrow

LRD ...

page 14 is due tomorrow. Please cut and paste the section neatly in your Spelling Book. Be reminded that there will be Spelling for Week 5 list of words tomorrow too.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

P4 Science Practical Test Tomorrow

You will have having your Practical Test tomorrow @ 8.20am @ Indoor Sports Hall.

Duration: 30minutes
Questions: 1 question for each station. (2 stations in total)

I've briefed you on what to take note of during the test. Read the instructions on what to do with the given apparatus.

All the best for your test.

Companion Booklet 8

PS 2 is due tomorrow.

Friday 24 July 2015

Crimewatch videos

Week 4 Long Weekend Homework

Maths Learnlogy Assignment (Click here)
Access from 24 July, Friday onwards
  • Go to Week 4 Revision (Fractions & Decimal) & complete 5 questions.
  • [Selected Pupils Only] Complete Additional 5 questions.
Maths Workbook Practice 7
  • Complete pg 59 - 62
  • Plus all corrections
  • Due on Next Tuesday, 28 July

Compo Assignment

Complete your compo assignment on "Sports Day" by next Tuesday.

Have a good Youth Day break.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Maths Workbook Practice 6

Complete Maths WB Practice 6 (pg 53-58). This is due tomorrow, Thursday.

LS assignment

WS 8.7 is due tomorrow. Remember to use QRAC, Annotations and TGPS.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

LRD assignment

Page 16 is due tomorrow. Remember to cut the sections properly and paste them in your Spelling Book.

Maths HW & Online Survey

  1. Complete Maths WB Practice 5 (pg 49-52). This is due tomorrow.
  2. Go to McOnline & complete the Multitasking survey based on last Tuesday's assembly programme. 3 best entries per class will receive a token each.

Monday 20 July 2015

English tasks

  • Cover page of Companion Booklet 8.
  • PS1 of Companion Booklet 8. Remember to use QRAC, Annotations and TGPS.
All of the above are due tomorrow.

Maths & Science Homework

Maths Homework
Complete ALL correction + pg 47 & 48
This is due tomorrow, 21 July.

Science Homework
Using all the words you have in the Word Splash Topic on "Heat Flow", I've showed you how to link the words to form a sentence on a Science Concept.

Complete 3 more sentences on your own. You should use 3 or more words from the word splash & words can be repeated again in another sentence.

Here are some examples to get you stated:
Ice gains heat from the surrounding air, so it melts and there is a change of state.
A hot object will lose heat to the surrounding.
Heat travels from the candle flame to a cold object (ice) causing the ice to change its state.

This is due Thursday, 23 July.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Thursday 16 July 2015

Weekend Homework (Week 3)

Maths Learnlogy Assignment (Click here)
Access from 17 July, Friday onwards
  • Go to Week 3 Revision (Fractions) & complete 5 questions on Fraction of a Set.
  • [Selected Pupils Only] Complete Additional 5 questions.

Science Knowledge Forum Platform (Click here)
  • Go to "4B_2015_Heat Flow" View
  • We have conducted the Experiment A & B: heat flow (Beaker & Basin) Experiment today.
  • You've recorded the temperature of the liquids over a period of 10 minutes in your worksheet. 
  • You've also posted your ideas in KF for Experiment A and B today.
  • Use the data collected to continue your posting for Experiment A & B.
  • Do the same for the other 2 experiment. 
  1. 'Metal Rod, Wax & Thumbtack Experiment' was done at Science Centre. (See below for the video)
  2. 'Mixing Warm & Cold water Experiment' was done today. After mixing, temperature recorded by Experiment A was 24 degree celsius & Temperature recorded by Experiment B was 40 degrees celsius. 
  • Continue to build on under these experiments & write your ideas using the scaffolds and questions given in the note. 
  • Do read your friend's notes & help them to improve their ideas.
Wishing all our Muslim Pupils...... 
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Maths Workbook Practice (pg 41-46)

This is due tomorrow, 16 July (Thurs)

GS and LRD

  • GS pages 66 and 67 are due tomorrow. I have given you examples of how to do them.
  • LRD page 17 is due tomorrow. Please cut out the page carefully and paste them neatly in your Spelling Book. Take note that for Part 2, make your own brackets to write your answers in them.
These 2 tasks should not take you more than an hour to complete.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Home work & Recap on Additional & Subtraction of Decimals

Summary on place value chart

  1. 1 thousand = 10 hundreds
  2. 1 hundreds = 10 tens
  3. 1 ten = 10 ones
  4. 1 ones = 10 tenths
  5. 1 tenths = 10 hundredths
  6. 1 hundredth = 10 thousandths

  • Study the place value chart & revise your subtraction of decimals.
  • Complete Textbook page 56 & 57.

Reminders for Science - Spelling & Word Splash

Science Spelling (Heat No. 11-20)
This will be conducted next Monday, 20 July. Do study the meaning of the words as I'll test the meaning & you'll write the word.

Do up a Word Splash on "Heat Flow" in your NSB

The purpose of this activity is to build your vocab for this topic and generate concepts using these words for the topic. As such, the words should be mostly 1 word or short phrase. 

Examples of words under the topic "Heat Flow" are:

  • hot
  • cold
  • travels
  • surroundings
  • gain heat
  • Soild
  • Liquid
  • Gas
  • Conducts
  • movement
  • heated up
  • flame
In the next lesson, I'll show you how to do linking of words to generate the science concepts for this topic. You will then be required to write down sentences to show how the words are linked up into a concept. You can try out on your own first.

Monday 13 July 2015

VC 2 ...

is due tomorrow. To earn extra stars, remember to find out the meanings of the words in the options.

Maths Workbook Practice 1 & 2

Complete Workbook Practice 1 & 2 (pg 35 - 40)

This is due tomorrow, 14 July.

Friday 10 July 2015

LS .. LS

7.2 and 7.4 are due on Monday.

Have a great weekend. 
Remember to keep yourselves fit and healthy.

Maths Learnlogy (Week 2 Revision)

Maths Learnlogy Assignment (Click here)
Go to Week 2 Revision (Fractions) & complete 6 questions on Fraction of a Set.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Science: New Knowledge Forum Database

Here's the link to the new KF

Enter Community: Endeavour Primary School 2
Go to view: 4B_2015_Heat Energy

You should have posted at least 2 notes based on today's lesson on Heat Flow & the video on Volcanic Eruption.

Do continue your posting at home over the weekends.

Questions to Ponder:
  1. Compare the difference in temperature between the Lava and the Ocean waters.
  2. From where to where did the heat flow?
  3. What did you observe happening to the ocean waters?
  4. Watch the zoom-in video. Was the vision of the surrounding place clear? Where there anything covering the surrounding air?
  5. What did you observe to the ice as the lava was poured onto it?
  6. Make a prediction the temperature of the Lava.
  7. What is the temperature of ice?
  8. From where to where did the heat flow?
  9. Imagine you were ice, describe how you will feel / experience?

Today's EL homework

  • LRD page 15. you need to cut and paste both Part 1 and 2

Maths Heuristic (Growing Patterns)

Complete the remaining questions as homework.
This is due tomorrow, Friday, 10 July.

Your Workbook Practice (pg 31-34) is also due tomorrow.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Converting Fractions to Decimals

Homework today

  1. Revise your 6, 7, 8 & 9 Timetable
  2. Revise how to convert Fractions to Decimals (TB pg 40-41)
  3. Online Activity on Converting Fractions to Decimals
  4. Online Activity on Ordering Decimals
Listing the factors will be helpful when you change denominator to 10, 100 or 1000.

1 x 10 = 10
2 x 5 = 10
1 x 100 = 100
2 x 50 = 100
4 x 25 = 100
5 x 20 = 100
10 x 10 = 100
1 x 1000 = 1000
2 x 500 = 1000
4 x 250 = 1000
5 x 200 = 1000
8 x 125 = 1000
10 x 100 = 1000

VC homework

Please complete VC3 by tomorrow.

Monday 6 July 2015

Thursday 2 July 2015

Today's EL Homework

  1. LRD page 14.
  2. PS 2 of Companion Booklet 7 (Only for those out for Art Gallery duty)
All of the above are due tomorrow morning before you head out for your learning Journey.

Maths & Science Homework Due on Monday

Maths Heuristic (Before-After: Equal End) 
Complete the rest of the questions as homework.

Maths Learnlogy Assignment (Click here)
Go to Week 1 Revision (Fractions) & complete 5 questions on Fractions

Revise Maths: Rounding Off Decimal

Science NSB
We had a hands-on activity today with ice.
Write down all your observation on "ICE" in your NSB. Make use of your sense of touch ("hands") & sense of sight ("eyes") as you think deeper into what you have observed about the ice.

Here are some questions to help you.

  • Describe what you observed when you hold the ice in your hand.
  • What causes the ice to melt?
  • Where do you think the heat comes from?
  • Can coldness come out of the ice?
  • Can heat come out of the ice?
You can upload some of your thoughts/ideas into KF at the New KF Website
Login ID & password is the one that you used for EL KF login.
Click on the View: 4B_2015_Heat Energy

In the event you cannot login, you can post your ideas on class blog under this post as a comment.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Things due on Thursday, 2 July ... some videos

  1. LS 7.6.
  2. Parent's Signature for MC Online Report.
Here are some Youtube videos on kibasen and undoukai: