Wednesday 21 October 2015

HBL on 21 Oct: Make your own Shadow Puppets!

1) What is shadow puppetry?

2) Examples of shadow puppets / puppetry:

3) Watch the following video:
If the video doesn't display well, go to this link: The Lion & the Mouse Shadow Theatre

4) It is your turn to make your own shadow puppets. 

You should use recycled materials. Your shadow puppet does not need to be very big. While you make it, think of the following:
  • Type of material
  • Transparency of material
  • Colour of material

Attach a chopstick or a satay stick or any simple stick behind the shadow puppet so that you can hold the puppet easily and your hand does not get projected onto the screen!

Bring the shadow puppet to school on Monday (26 Oct)

Have fun creating your own shadow puppets! 


  1. I used socks. Is it okay?
    Its color is brown.Is it okay ?


    1. Yes Amir. Fabric is a material used to make socks. You can try out to see if light is completely or partially blocked. What would the shadow looks like? Try out in your room at night with a torch light. Have fun!

    2. Ok. Noted.

