Thursday 3 September 2015

September Holiday Homework & other Admin Matters

The following are your September Holiday Homework:

Fractions Stretch WS (3)

Maths SA2 Revision Paper 1 
Do all except Questions 12, 13, 30 & 31

Maths Learnlogy Assignment (Click here) Access from Today onwards
Click on "September Holiday HW: Area & Perimeter" Complete 3 questions.

Science Paper Paper (MCQ) Set 3

All due Monday, 14 September.
Admin Matters

Maths & Science Files
I've returned the files for you to do your revision over the holidays. Do review your concepts on the topics that we have covered in Term 3.
Bring back your files on Mon, 14 Sept.

Term 3 Progess Report Card
Please get parents' Signature & submit to me on Monday, 14 Sept.

SAVH Donation Tickets
You are encouraged to approach friends or relatives to sell the donation tickets for the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH). There are a total of 10 tickets in the booklet assigned to you. Take note of the following:

  1. Record your friends'/relatives' name & contact before tearing out the ticket.
  2. Do not lose the booklet or any remaining tickets.
  3. Do not exchange the booklet with your friends as the serial number has been recorded under your name.
  4. Put all the money collected in 1 envelop & sealed it before giving to me.
  5. Return the booklet to me when you have finished selling the 10 tickets. 
  6. Deadline: 21 Sept, Mon


  1. Mrs Tan I never get the stretch WS 3.

    Amir 4B

  2. Mrs Tan,
    The stretch WS3, Q4 has spelling error. "Stickers" is supposed to be"cards".
    Jie Xin

    1. Thanks for alerting. Pupils, do take note of the change.
