Monday 29 June 2015

Welcome back to a New Term!

Empty Green & Blue files
Bring back your empty green & blue files by this week. Keep all Term 2 worksheets at home for revision.

Today's Science Lesson - Observing ice melting
We had a discussion after watching a video on ice melting. I encouraged you to carry out the following investigation at home & observe what happens to the ice. We will discuss more on Thursday.
1) Put an ice cube in the lower compartment of the fridge & observe after 3 hours.
2) Put an ice cube in your hand and observe for 1 minute.
3) Put an ice cube near the window and observe for 1 minutes.

Science Spelling
Please note that Science spelling this week (No. 1-10) will be conducted on Thursday (2 July).
No. 11-20 will be conducted next Friday (10 July).

Thursday Temperature Taking Exercise
Do remember to bring your thermometer from tomorrow onwards so that I can check that they are all working well.

Learning Journey to Science Centre on Fri, 3 July
Here's the details to the Learning Journey.

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