Tuesday 30 June 2015

KWL Questions on "Sports Day"

Here is a list of questions that were left unanswered in our KWL lesson today.
You are free to do your own research to find the answers to them and post your answers in the comments section. Happy Researching ...

1.  How hard do the students train?
2.  Why was Sports Day created?
3.  Can disabled people participate in Sports Day?
4.  When was the first Sports Day held?
5.  Who created Sports Day?
6.  Why can’t everyone be winners?
7.  What happens when you cheat but no one saw you?
8.  Where was the first Sports Day held?
9.  What was the first Sports Day like?
10. Why was Mr Kunalan absent for our Sports Day?
11. Who represented Singapore for the first Olympics?
12. What was the first mascot for a Sports Day?

Monday 29 June 2015

Homework ...

  • Cover Page of Companion Booklet 7
  • PS1 of Companion Booklet 7. Apply your QRAC, Annotations and TGPS.

Welcome back to a New Term!

Empty Green & Blue files
Bring back your empty green & blue files by this week. Keep all Term 2 worksheets at home for revision.

Today's Science Lesson - Observing ice melting
We had a discussion after watching a video on ice melting. I encouraged you to carry out the following investigation at home & observe what happens to the ice. We will discuss more on Thursday.
1) Put an ice cube in the lower compartment of the fridge & observe after 3 hours.
2) Put an ice cube in your hand and observe for 1 minute.
3) Put an ice cube near the window and observe for 1 minutes.

Science Spelling
Please note that Science spelling this week (No. 1-10) will be conducted on Thursday (2 July).
No. 11-20 will be conducted next Friday (10 July).

Thursday Temperature Taking Exercise
Do remember to bring your thermometer from tomorrow onwards so that I can check that they are all working well.

Learning Journey to Science Centre on Fri, 3 July
Here's the details to the Learning Journey.

Saturday 6 June 2015

P4 Malacca Trip - Day 2

This is a reminder to submit your Malacca Trip Reflection & Feedback (last 4 pages of the blue booklet) when you return from the June holiday break.

Have a Great Holidays & remember to stay healthy!