Friday 27 February 2015

Maths & Science Files & Maths Homework

Maths File 
The following items were returned today for Filing & Revision.
Bring back the file on Thursday after Maths Test.
Please complete all corrections on your own.
  1. Maths Topcial Test 1
  2. Chapter 3: Whole Numbers (3) – Worksheet (2)
  3. Chapter 3: Whole Numbers (3) – Worksheet (3)
  4. Chapter 4: Tables & Graphs – Worksheet (1)
Get Parents' Signature in content page for all the items except the last 4 items.

Maths Homework over the Weekends
Complete Chapter 4: Tables & Graphs – Worksheet (2). 
This should take you about 30 minutes and it is due on Monday.

Science File

Get Parents' Signature in content page for only the first 4 items.
Bring back the file on Friday after Science Test. 
We will be doing the Term 1 Worksheet in class on Monday.

Finally.... Have a good weekend & Keep Fit & Healthy!
Image result for keep fit and healthy

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