Friday 27 February 2015

VC ...

... WS 8 is due on Monday. Stars are up for grabs so remember to find the meaning of the words before you choose your answer.

Maths & Science Files & Maths Homework

Maths File 
The following items were returned today for Filing & Revision.
Bring back the file on Thursday after Maths Test.
Please complete all corrections on your own.
  1. Maths Topcial Test 1
  2. Chapter 3: Whole Numbers (3) – Worksheet (2)
  3. Chapter 3: Whole Numbers (3) – Worksheet (3)
  4. Chapter 4: Tables & Graphs – Worksheet (1)
Get Parents' Signature in content page for all the items except the last 4 items.

Maths Homework over the Weekends
Complete Chapter 4: Tables & Graphs – Worksheet (2). 
This should take you about 30 minutes and it is due on Monday.

Science File

Get Parents' Signature in content page for only the first 4 items.
Bring back the file on Friday after Science Test. 
We will be doing the Term 1 Worksheet in class on Monday.

Finally.... Have a good weekend & Keep Fit & Healthy!
Image result for keep fit and healthy

Thursday 26 February 2015

Science Homework - Process Skill Book

Complete the following question & bring tomorrow Friday (27 Feb). We will go through the answers in class.

MCQ (pg 76-80)
Q5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16

Open-ended (pg 80-83)
Q19, 20, 21

The case of the stolen cakes ...

If you were the detective who said, "I must solve this case immediately", how would you go about doing it?

Leave your mind-boggling ideas below.
If you want to comment on your friend's idea(s) just click on the reply button and leave your own comment.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Maths Test 2 & Science Test

Maths Topical Test 2 (5 Mar, Thursday)
Duration: 50min
Topics covered: Chapter 3 & 4
Heuristics: Make Big/Make Small & Repeated Identity

Science Test (6 Mar, Friday)
Duration: 25min
Topics covered:
P3 Plant System
P4 Body System
P4 Life Cycle of Animals
P4 Life Cycle of Plants

LRD assignment

  1. Cut out the activity on page 6 as shown below. 
  2. Paste it on a fresh page of your Spelling Book. 
  3. On another page answer questions 1, 2 and 3. Minimum number of words is 50 for all three questions. 
  4. Remember to use the scaffolds and connectors when answering them.
  5. As for the Yellow Box, follow the instructions and write your short memo inside the box.
This assignment is due tomorrow.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Maths Chapter (4) Tables & Graphs - Worksheet (1)

is due Thursday, (26 Feb)


3.5 is due tomorrow. This assignment should not take you more than 25 minutes to complete. Remember to apply QRAC + Annotations + TGPS.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Experiment Design Revisited - For your observation & conclusion

Seed Germination near the Window.

  • White cup: using cotton wool
  • Red cup: using soil

Seed Germination in the Metal Cupboard

  • White cup: using cotton wool
  • Red cup: using soil

Comparing the Seed Germinated using Soil (Red cup)

  • Cup on the Left: Placed near the Window
  • Cup on the Right: Placed in the Metal Cupboard

Proudly Presents ..... 4B TDD cum CNY Performance

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Today's Assembly talk' Reflection Worksheet

The reflection worksheet has a list of words related to diligence & perseverance that you need to find in the puzzle.

Please complete as homework & hand in on Monday, 23 Feb.

One best piece will be selected to submit to the CCE department.

I've attached the "Little Lazy Bird" Story here for your reading.

Maths Chapter 3 Worksheet 2

is due next Monday, 23 Feb.
This should only take you 20 minutes to complete.

Have a good CNY holiday! Keep fit & healthy!

Monday 16 February 2015

EL assignments

  • Practice Sheets 2, 3 and 4 are due tomorrow. You should not take more than half an hour to finish them as you have already started on them in class.

Science Homework in NSB

  1. Spelling correction to be done & parent's signature.
  2. Complete your mealworms observations from mealworms to pupa to the beetle stage.
  3. Compare the the caterpillar and the mealworms & its life cycle.

Here's the video of the Life Cycle of the Butterfly that I've showed you in class. Since we did not get to observe our caterpillars turning into butterfly, this video will help you gather New Information on its Life Cycle.

I've also showed you the 2 videos taken on the mealworms changing into pupa. (refer to our class blog).

Now, compare the caterpillar & the mealworms in your NSB. (See below for an example)
Do some research yourself to find out more about the Egg, Larva, Pupa & Adult Stage. Find out more about their behaviour at each stage & compare their similarities & differences.

Challenging Practice & Maths Journal (pg 55-58)

is due tomorrow (17 Feb). This should take you not more than 30 minutes.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Video 2 - Our Mealworms becoming Pupa

Captured one of our mealworms removing it's "final" skin and revealing it's pupa stage. Took another video as I moved this new pupa to join the rest of the pupas.

Here are some questions to think about as you watch the videos.
  1. What colour is the mealworm after it sheds it's "final skin"?
  2. How did the mealworm sheds it's skin? Is this the only skin it sheds?
  3. Does the newly formed pupa moves/wiggles?
  4. Compare the colour of this newly formed pupa with the other pupas. Are they the same?
  5. Does the other pupas moves/wiggles as much as the newly formed pupa?
Click on the link below:

Video 1 - Our Mealworms becoming Pupa

Captured one of our mealworms removing it's "final" skin and revealing it's pupa stage. Took another video as I moved this new pupa to join the rest of the pupas.

Here are some questions to think about as you watch the videos.

  1. What colour is the mealworm after it sheds it's "final skin"?
  2. How did the mealworm sheds it's skin? Is this the only skin it sheds?
  3. Does the newly formed pupa moves/wiggles?
  4. Compare the colour of this newly formed pupa with the other pupas. Are they the same?
  5. Does the other pupas moves/wiggles as much as the newly formed pupa?

Thursday 12 February 2015

EL File, Reading Recording and Compo Corrections

  1. Please get your parent(s) to sign the LS and Companion Booklet for Unit 2 that you filed up in your English File. You need to return the file tomorrow.
  2. Do a Reading Recording for page 18 of your Listening Comprehension Book 4 and send it to me via email. For those who are unable to complete this task via email, you may want to save your audio file in a thumbdrive OR you may read to me 'live' during silent reading time or in class whenever time permits.
  3. The Compo Corrections for 'Snatch Theft' is also due on Monday. If you can, type out your corrections (font: Arial, size 12 for the compo, size 14 for the title and your name) and send to me via email or save it in a thumbdrive. Preferably, print out the corrections before attaching it to your original writing piece.  Alternatively, you may write out the corrections on a foolscap paper. 

Science Process Skill Book Chapter 7

Chapter 7, pages 105-114

MCQ: Complete ONLY Question 1-8, 10, 11, 13 & 15
Open-ended: Complete ONLY Question 20, 21, 22, 24 & 25

The above homework is due next Monday, 16 Feb

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Maths workbook practice 4

We've done Word Problem Question 1-3 in class today. Please complete Question 4 at home. Hand in tomorrow 12 Feb.

LRD task

Please submit your completed LRD activity on page 14 tomorrow. Ensure that you have pasted the sections correctly and neatly.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

4B Rainbow Day Performance on 18 Feb (Wed)

Here's the dress code for the class performance.

Japanese Troops (6 pupils)
Bring along a cap (any colour) if you have.
Wear dark green, dark blue or black attire (both top & pants/shorts)
(EDP PE shorts is allowed)

Pupils holding Vanguard Sheet with wordings (8 pupils)
Wear dark coloured or black attire (both top & pants/shorts)
(EDP PE shorts is allowed)

Pupils holding "Fire" Vanguard Sheet (3 pupils)
Wear red or orange top with jeans pants

Drummer (2 pupils)
Wear CNY clothes or anything

Singers using headsets (4 pupils)
Wear CNY clothes or anything

Rest of the pupils on stage (10 pupils)
Wear any coloured clothes except the dark coloured ones.

Science Spelling Correction & Parents' Signature

Please remember to get the spelling corrections done & parents' signature for last week's spelling.

Do continue to record your mealworms observations in the NSB.

Maths Workbook Practice 3

Do only Question 1, 4 & 6 on long division & bring back tomorrow 11 Feb.
Do not do the other questions on estimation.

VC assignments

WS 9 and 10 are due tomorrow. They are about phrasal verbs. Match the correct phrasal verbs to the sentences using the meanings given. This task should take 20 to 30 minutes of your time.

Monday 9 February 2015

Reading recording

You may start sending your Reading Recording to me via email (if you can) for the reading passage on page 18 of your Listening Comprehension Book 4. This task is due by next Monday. Remember to read clearly, with good pacing and expression.

Friday 6 February 2015

English tasks

  1. Submit your completed PS1 of the Companion Booklet on Monday. Make sure you use the QRAC, annotation and TGPS strategies.
  2. For those who did not manage to complete page 27 of your Grammar Smart, please submit the completed task on Monday too.
  3. Be reminded that you will be having your Spelling on Monday so revise.
In the meantime ...
Keep Fit and Healthy!

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Maths Workbook Chapter 3 Practice 2

Is due tomorrow.

3 Steps to muliply 3 digits & 2 digits numbers.
1) Cover the digit in the tens place. Multiply as normal.
2) Cover the digit in the ones place. Multiply as normal but add a zero in the ones place.
3) Add the 2 numbers to get the final answer.

Grammar Smart

Topic 4: Relative Pronouns, pages 22 and 23 is due tomorrow.

Monday 2 February 2015

Maths Test 1

Week 6 (12Feb)
Topics tested: Whole Numbers Chapter 1 & 2

VC assignments

WS 6 and 7 are due tomorrow.

Science Matters in Nature Study Book (NSB)

  1. Get parent's signature for all your spelling.
  2. Get correction done for your spelling.
  3. We have discussed some words for the other body systems in class. (See picture below) I've also read to you the book on the "Good/Bad Sprog". Do continue to add on more new words in the respiratory system that you've picked up from the book.

  1. We will be starting our Mealworm Observations tomorrow. Pupils who want to do a pair or individual observation, do bring along your plastic containers with holes made tomorrow. I'll transfer 2-3 mealworms into your containers. 
  2. Here's the table for the observations to be recorded in your NSB. You will continue the observation until the mealworms change into it's adult stage.