Tuesday 6 January 2015

Classroom Decoration on Fri, 9 Jan @ 2pm

Dear pupils & parents,

Our Classroom Decoration activity on 9th Jan (2pm) will be the first VIA activity to kick start the year! We will be awarding VIA hours to all pupils who participate in the classroom decoration activity after school.

The best class of each level will be selected and judging will be done in Term 1 Week 4.
The judging for the best classroom decoration competition will be based on the following criteria:
1) Uniqueness of the decoration
2) Noticeboard decorated with the respective subjects
3) "Green" elements displayed (Eg. Using recycled/reused materials!)
Exciting prizes will be given to the wining classes.

In conjunction with our Class Promise (STARBUCKS), I've decided a theme for our classroom decoration. Here's some ideas off my mind. Feel free to comment & add in more ideas. 
4B Classroom Decor Theme: Cafe' / Coffee Club Theme.
Welcome to Mrs. J.Tan's Cafe
Brewing a Great Year Rich & Strong
Class Timetable - Today's Menu
Duty Roster - Staff on Duty
Class Library - Lounge with a Good Book
Writers' Corner - Espress(o) Self
Maths - Mocha-Maths
Science - Addicted to Science
Word Study - Streaming Hot Words
Displaying Work - Brewing Awesome Work
Student of the Week - Flavour of the Week or This Week's Special
Class Promise - Recipe for Success


  1. Dear Mrs Tan,
    I would like to join in the class decoration. Is there anything to bring?

    Thank you
    Levi's Mother

    1. You can bring along any recycled materials, a pair of scissors and glue. Thank you for helping out in the class decoration.

  2. class timetable-our cafe's schedule


  3. For the menu (err today's time table), is it okay to put the subject names as food.

    ~Jie Xin
