Friday 30 January 2015

Our only surviving caterpillar

It's been 2 weeks of feeding. Hopefully it'll turn into the next stage over this weekend with me.

Maths Workbook Problem Solving Practice (page 34)

is due Monday (2 Feb)

Attempt the Problem Solving questions. I'll go through them in class on Monday

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Maths Workbook Chapter 3 - Practice 1 (pg 39-42)

is due tomorrow, 29 Jan.

LRD assignment

Please complete the LRD assignment on page 14. Remember to cut the parts correctly and paste them in your Spelling book. Submit your completed work to your English Monitors tomorrow.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Maths Chapter 2 Worksheet 2

is due tomorrow, 28 Jan.

Recap what we've learnt so far.

  1. Factor x Factor = Multiple
  2. Multiples of 4 = listing of the 4 time-table 
  3. Common Factors
  4. Common Multiples
  5. Order of Multiples (e.g. third multiple...)

Today's English Homework

  • Cover Page of Companion Booklet 2
  • PS4 of Companion Booklet 2 (pages 6 and 7). For part B, you may need to do a bit of research. For part D, your sentences must contain at least 7 words, including the idiom, and should show the meaning of the idiom in a situation. Look at part C to see how the sentence should be like. Click on this link to go to: idiomsite to help in your research.

Monday 26 January 2015


Write your responses to the prompts (questions) on page 8, Stimulus Based Conversation, of your Listening Comprehension Book 4 in a foolscap. Remember to use the scaffolds and connectors as shown in your Spelling Book. 2 or 3 sentences per prompt will be sufficient.

You need to submit your completed work by tomorrow.

I would like to thank those who have sent their reading recordings via email. Please also thank you parents if they had helped you in one way or another.
I have made my comments and given the rating that I felt was reflective of your reading. If you did not score as well as you thought you would, don't fret. You will only get better. Persevere.

Friday 23 January 2015

Some Awesome Pupils' Work

Maths Weekend Homework

  • Workbook Practice page 31-33 due on Monday (26 Jan)

          (Note: Cross out Question 3 on pg 32 as I've not taught you multiples yet.)

  • Maths Corrections (only for pupils who cannot complete in class & brought home to do)

Have a good weekend!

English weekend homework

  1. Send a recording of the Reading Passage on page 9 of your Listening Comprehension Book 4 via email. Get the help from your parents with this task. Alternatively, you may save your recording in a thumbdrive OR let me test your reading in the morning during silent reading time. Remember to read clearly and with the correct expression.
  2. Touch-up on your compo based on the feedback that you received from your friend (peer) in class. If the changes are minor or small, you can just add them in the compo that you have already written. However, if you think you need to do a lot of changes, it would be better to write it out again on fresh foolscap(s).

Keep fit and healthy.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Reminder: Science Nature Study Book

Please remember to bring your NSB tomorrow for Science spelling.

Pupils who have not completed the classwork on designing a story for Nano (an alien) entering the digestive system of Little Red Ridding Hood; please complete by tomorrow.

Maths Heuristics Worksheet (Step Model)

is due tomorrow 23 Jan.

  1. Remember to show all models neatly & clearly. 
  2. Add the common units first, followed by the additional units as a group.
  3. A Step model resembles a "staircase" with equal steps. It can also appear upside-down when the question says there is a decrease by a given number over a period of time.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Rounding Off Poem

Look for the Rounding Digit (RD)
Look RIGHT next door,
4 or less, just ignore,
5 or more, add 1 more (to the RD)
Anything after RD,

Oh, Oh, Oh (Oh means 'zero')

Maths Workbook Chapter 2: Practice 4

page 27-28 are due tomorrow 22 Jan.

LRD assignment

You are tasked to answer the two questions (1 and 2) on page 2 of your LRD. I would like to see you using the scaffolds and corresponding connectors in your answers. For each question, you are required to do a write-up of at least 50 words.

This assignment is due tomorrow.

Monday 19 January 2015

Thursday 15 January 2015

Grammar Smart: Forming Nouns from Adjectives and Verbs

Please complete pages 10 and 11 of your Grammar Smart (GS) Book 4. This homework is due tomorrow.

Maths Workbook Chapter 2 Practice 2

Pg 21-24 is due tomorrow (16 Jan)
Do refer to your textbook to revise the concept on rounding off to nearest hundreds.
Do note the different between nearest tens & nearest hundreds.

Science Spelling on Fridays (Week 3 to Week 6)

Here's the schedule for Science Spelling on Fridays.

You're required to study the meanings of the words.
I'll read the meaning & you'll then write the word down.

Week 3, Fri (23 Jan) - Human Digestive System No. 1-10
Week 4, Fri (30 Jan) - Human Digestive System No. 11-20
Week 5, Fri (6 Feb) - Life Cycle No. 1-10
Week 6, Fri (13 Feb) - Life Cycle No. 11-20

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Maths Workbook Chapter 2 Practice 1

Pg 17-20 is due tomorrow (15 Jan)
Do refer to your textbook to revise the concept on rounding off to nearest tens.

Comprehension Open_Ended

LS 1.8 is due tomorrow. Remember to use QRAC strategy, showing your annotations and using TGPS to check your answers.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

LRD assignment

You are tasked to respond to the prompt found on page 12 of your LRD. You MUST use the scaffolds and the corresponding connectors in your write-up. Your write-up should not be less than 50 words long.

This assignment is due tomorrow.

Monday 12 January 2015

Maths Chapter 1 Worksheet 2

Is due tomorrow, 13 Jan.

Presenting the Digestive System Model

You're encouraged to bring in your models this week to show your friends. You can work in pairs to do up a simple model. Think about 1 special thing that your model has that you can share with your friends.

Friday 9 January 2015

EL weekend homework

Please complete PS 8 of the Companion Booklet (pages 10 and 11) by Monday.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Science Homework due Monday (12 Jan)

Dear pupils,

Your homework over the weekends is to complete this table in your Nature Study Book. Think about the discussion of ideas we had in class today to decide what materials/items you would choose for various parts of the model. Here are some pictures of how your model may look like. However, most importantly, be creative in your design & use of materials.

For pupils who wish to start doing the model yourself at home, you can go ahead to do & bring your model on Monday (12 Jan). Happy Model Making!

Wednesday 7 January 2015

LRD task

  1. Cut out the crossword puzzle in page 13
  2. Highlight or circle all the 16 words related to "Good Neighbours Values"
  3. Paste the puzzle in your Spelling Book (landscape)
  4. Choose some of the values you found in the puzzle and write a story (minimum 50 words) that showed how you displayed the values to your neighbour.
This task is due tomorrow.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Classroom Decoration on Fri, 9 Jan @ 2pm

Dear pupils & parents,

Our Classroom Decoration activity on 9th Jan (2pm) will be the first VIA activity to kick start the year! We will be awarding VIA hours to all pupils who participate in the classroom decoration activity after school.

The best class of each level will be selected and judging will be done in Term 1 Week 4.
The judging for the best classroom decoration competition will be based on the following criteria:
1) Uniqueness of the decoration
2) Noticeboard decorated with the respective subjects
3) "Green" elements displayed (Eg. Using recycled/reused materials!)
Exciting prizes will be given to the wining classes.

In conjunction with our Class Promise (STARBUCKS), I've decided a theme for our classroom decoration. Here's some ideas off my mind. Feel free to comment & add in more ideas. 
4B Classroom Decor Theme: Cafe' / Coffee Club Theme.
Welcome to Mrs. J.Tan's Cafe
Brewing a Great Year Rich & Strong
Class Timetable - Today's Menu
Duty Roster - Staff on Duty
Class Library - Lounge with a Good Book
Writers' Corner - Espress(o) Self
Maths - Mocha-Maths
Science - Addicted to Science
Word Study - Streaming Hot Words
Displaying Work - Brewing Awesome Work
Student of the Week - Flavour of the Week or This Week's Special
Class Promise - Recipe for Success

VC 1 and 2

due tomorrow.

Monday 5 January 2015

Companion Booklet

Please complete by tomorrow:

  1. Cover page of Companion Booklet. I have shown you how to find the first word "knight'. You need to find the other seven.
  2. PS 3: Adjectives, on page 5.

Friday 2 January 2015

Blind Sequencing Pics ...

My holidays...

Your first task for the year is to write a reflection, of 50 words or more, based on this title:
"My holidays ..."
You may include these pointers in your write-up:

  • Where did you go?
  • With whom did you go there?
  • What did you do there?
  • Did you enjoy yourself?
End your write up with a sentence or two with: "My next holiday destination will be ..." Why do you say so? The write-up is due on Monday.

Working in groups to come up with our Class Promise

Dear pupils,

Thank you for thinking hard & creatively for our Class Promise. 

We will recite the Class Promise on Monday & do our best to keep the promise throughout the year. At the end of the year, each one of you will receive a token from Starbucks for working hard and trying your best to keep the promise as a class.

Once again, Happy New Year!