Thursday 19 November 2015

Brewing Awesome Moments!!!

Dear pupils,

The Prize Giving Day marks the end of your P4 academic year. 
As you moved on from here, do remember the FRIENDSHIPS you've made & the many SPECIAL moments we had together as a class. 
You are all CHAMPIONS in your UNIQUE ways. 

Continue to STRIVE & EXCEL in areas that you're strong in & 
PERSEVERE in areas that you're weak in.

It's not the end but the beginning of many more challenging years to come. 

Friday 6 November 2015

What a wonderful read ...

Some pics ...

Some books that were recommended by Ms Chen:

Fantasy: The Book of Elsewhere: The Shadows by Jacqualine West (J WES)

Paranormal: Things that Go Bump in the Night by Patrick Carmen (J CAR)

Realistic Fiction: Dustbin Baby by Jaqueline Wilson (J WIL)

Science Fiction (Sci-Fi): A wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle (J LAR)

Adventure and Mystery: Horten's Miraculous Mechanisms by Lissa Evans (J EVA)

Monday 2 November 2015

LC and Paper 2

We have gone through the answers to your SA 2 LC and Paper 2 today. You need to get your parents to sign the cover pages and return them to me tomorrow.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Worksheets returned for filing

We have finished going through these items. You can bring home to file in neatly in your Maths file
  • Maths Revision Paper 3
  • SA1 Parallel Worksheet
  • P3 Stretch Worksheet (Whole Numbers)
  • P3 Stretch Worksheet (Fractions)
*Note: The last 2 items were extra worksheets that were not done last year @ P3. Concepts have been covered this year (P4). The word problems should be manageable and not treated at challenging sums anymore.

Bring back these items tomorrow 
  • Science Process Skill Book (My apologies forgot to return the answer key today. Will do so tomorrow.)

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Reminders for Maths & Science

These items were returned yesterday. Bring home to file in neatly in your files.

  • Science Activity 18: Keep it Hot
  • Maths Fractions Stretch WS (6)
Bring back these items tomorrow 
  • Science Process Skill Book (I'll return the answer key tomorrow.)
  • Maths Revision Paper 3 (I'll finished going through the remaining parts that are not done today.)

Friday 23 October 2015

Some reminders ...

  • Get your parents to sign the MC Online report and return it to me on Monday.
  • Bring along your Grammar Smart by Monday(only for those who have not submitted them today).

[23 Oct] Weekend Homework & Some reminders

Weekend Homework
Complete Fractions Stretch WS (6)
This is due Monday, 26 Oct.


  • File in SA2 PP Set 2 (MCQ) neatly into your Science File.
  • Bring back Maths Workbook Revision 2 on Monday. (to go through section C)
  • Pupils who did not complete this week's HBL in Learnlogy/MC Online, please do so by this weekend. (I've spoken to you in class today.)

Wednesday 21 October 2015

HBL on 22 Oct: Self-mark MCQ Set 5

Your task today is to:
  • Take out MCQ Set 5 which was assigned as Monday's HW.
  • Using the answer key provided below, self-mark all questions, with a green pen.
  • Circle the questions that you don't understand why you get it wrong. 
  • Bring the paper back next Monday (26 Oct) & we will go through selected questions in class.

HBL on 21 Oct: Make your own Shadow Puppets!

1) What is shadow puppetry?

2) Examples of shadow puppets / puppetry:

3) Watch the following video:
If the video doesn't display well, go to this link: The Lion & the Mouse Shadow Theatre

4) It is your turn to make your own shadow puppets. 

You should use recycled materials. Your shadow puppet does not need to be very big. While you make it, think of the following:
  • Type of material
  • Transparency of material
  • Colour of material

Attach a chopstick or a satay stick or any simple stick behind the shadow puppet so that you can hold the puppet easily and your hand does not get projected onto the screen!

Bring the shadow puppet to school on Monday (26 Oct)

Have fun creating your own shadow puppets! 

Friday 16 October 2015

Home-based Learning (HBL) during PSLE Marking Week

2 items into Maths File & Learnlogy HW

Maths Learnlogy Assignment (Click here) Access from Today onwards
Click on "Week 5 Revision (Numbers)"
Complete 3 questions.

2 Items returned today... to be filed into Maths File
  1. Stretch Area & Perimeter WS (2)
  2. Stretch Fractions WS (5)

Thursday 15 October 2015

Grammar Smart Exercises

The selected exercises (circled pages and sections) are due next Friday, 23 October.

Science Filing & Reminder for Mock MCQ Test Tomorrow

File in the following item neatly into your Science File at home
  • SA2 Practice Paper Set 1 (Booklet B)
  • Revise & study for you Science MCQ Mock Test tomorrow. 
  • 30 minutes for 30 MCQs.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

2 items returned.........File into Science File

File in neatly these 2 items into your Science File at home
  • Activity 20 - Shadows
  • Topical Worksheet 1 - Light

Monday 12 October 2015

Thursday 8 October 2015

Long weekend English Homework

Companion Booklet 12:

  • Cover Page. Follow the instruction given carefully and colour your drawing.
  • PS 1 (Reading Comprehension). Remember to apply the QRAC, Annotations, TGPS and BUN strategies.
Revise for an English Mock Exam on Monday.

Wishing all of you A Happy Children's Day.

Maths Long Weekend Homework & Reminders

Maths Learnlogy Assignment (Click here) Access from Today onwards
Click on "Week 4 (8 Oct) Revision"
Complete 3 questions.

Area & Perimeter Stretch WS (2)
This is due Monday, 12 Oct

Items returned today... to be filed into Maths/Science File
  1. Science Practice Paper Set 1 (MCQ)
  2. Maths Chapter 14 Tessellation Workbook Practice 
  3. Maths Revision Paper 2 (Mock Paper) - Please get parent's signature for this paper.
Some Reminders
  1. Deadline for ComChest Children's Day Donation - 12 Oct (Mon)
  2. Bring your Revision 2 from Maths 4B Workbook on Monday. We will be going through answers in class.
  3. You've received my Children Day's gift & a small card. Terms & Conditions: You'll need to continue to display all the 9 recipes of success & produce this card is good condition in order to redeem your Starbuck Gift Card on 18 Nov. (Here's a sample picture of the card.)

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Science Topical Worksheet: Light

Complete all.
This is due tomorrow, 8 Oct

LRD homework

Cut out the Activity Box on page 2 and paste it in your Spelling Book. For part 1, each sentence must be at least 7 words long. For part 2, your response should be at least 30 words long. For part 3, you just need to list at least 5 facilities or things.

Reminder: There will be Spelling tomorrow. (Unit 11 words)

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Maths Workbook Revision 2 (pg 135) & Filing of Worksheets

pg 135 - 140 has been assigned as classwork today.

You will need to continue to complete pg 141 to 151 over the weekends.

There is no need to tear out.

Bring back this workbook next Monday & we will go through the answers together.

File in neatly these 2 items given today in your Maths File at home
  • Heuristics: Set Grouping
  • Stretch WS (1): Area & Perimeter

Spelling on Thursday

Please revise the Spelling list for Thursday.

Monday 5 October 2015

Science Online Assignment & PP Set 1 (MCQ)

Interactive Science Experiment on Shadows
Complete the 2 task by clicking on the link below.
  1. Shadows @ Sunrise, Noon & Sunset
  2. Effect of moving the Light source on the Shadow
Now, put what you've learnt into practice!

Practice Paper Set 1 (MCQ) 
Given out during Oral to do.
This is due tomorrow, 6 Oct.

Friday 2 October 2015

English stuff

  1. I have returned both files today for your revision. Do not bring the files to school unless you are told to do so.
  2. PS 4 (Phrasal Verbs) and PS 1(Open-ended Comprehension) are due on Monday, 5 October. Most of you would already have finished PS 4 in class. For PS 1 remember to show your QRAC, TGPS, Annotations and BUN.

Maths Learnlogy & Revision for Mock Test (5 Oct)

Maths Learnlogy Assignment (Click here) Access from Today onwards
Click on "Week 3 (2 Oct) Revision".
Complete 8 questions.

These pupils to complete last week's Learnlogy Assignment:
- Tze Hern
- Kezia
- Shan Yang
- Tricia
- Esther

Tessellations Workbook Practice (only for pupils who did not complete in class)
Complete 127 - 130.

This is due Monday, 5 Oct.

Revision for Mock Test (5 Oct: 0745-0915)
- Study all topics from Term 1 to 4.
- Use the Termly Content Page for an overview of the topics & heuristics covered.
- Revise All worksheets in Maths file & Workbook.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Phrasal Verb WS ...

is due tomorrow.

Science Homework + Return of Files + Maths Mock Test

Science Homework
Complete Practice Paper Set 1 (Section B) .... Question 41-44
This is due tomorrow, 2 Oct.

Return of Files
I'm returning your Maths & Science Files for Revision. There are still some items that we're still doing. Once done & marked, will return you to file on your own.

Maths Mock Test
You'll be having a Maths Mock Test, timed 1h 45 min, on Monday from 0745 - 0915. 
Revise all P4 topics & heuristics from Term 1 to 4.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Heuristics Worksheet & Reminders

Heuristic WS is due tomorrow.

- Bring back your donation booklets if you have not done so.
- Reply Slip for SA2 Scope & Traffic Games Cancellation.

Research and Answer

These are some questions about 'Leatherback Turtles' that were unanswered after our KWL lesson today. Do your research and answer them in the comments section below.

  1. How long is their lifespan?
  2. What is the biggest leatherback in history?
  3. Why do they lay their eggs on the same beach?
  4. Why do the female leatherback turtles abandon their eggs after laying them?
  5. Why do people eat them?
  6. Can we keep them as pets?
  7. Which is bigger, the male or the female?
  8. How hard is their shell?
Here are some videos for your viewing:

You can also see more videos on the Internet.

LRD and Companion Booklet

Please complete the following and submit by tomorrow:

  1. LRD page 15. Cut and paste both part 1 and 2 in your Spelling book.
  2. Companion Booklet 11 Cover Page
  3. Companion Booklet 11 PS 5 (Comparative and Superlative Adjectives)

Monday 28 September 2015

Compo Assignment

Submit your completed Compo on "An Irresponsible Act" by Wednesday 30 September. You must include your "mountain" in your submission.

Maths Homework & Reminders

  1. Maths Workbook Practice 2 (pg 124-126)
  2. Area & Perimeter Stretch Worksheet 1
Due tomorrow, 29 Sept.

There are pupils who have not completed the School Closure online assignment last Friday. Please complete by today.

MC Online Semestral Assessment 2
- Levi
- Putera
- Etienne
- Yik Kan

- Nicholas
- Tze Hern
- Kezia
- Putera
- Samantha
- Shan Yang
- Tricia
- Esther

Friday 25 September 2015

Maths Online Assignment

Mc Online - (DMTest)
– Semestral Assesment2
- Test2(B2) – P4

English MC Online assignments

MC Online assignments have already been assigned to you - a total of 9 short assignments. The window period for them is from today (25 September) till next Thursday (1 October). Please click on this link: MC Online to access the website.

In the meantime ... Keep Fit and Healthy Indoors ... and if you really need to be out of the house ...

School Closure Learnlogy Assignment

Maths Learnlogy Assignment
Click on "25 Sep School Closure Online Assignment"
Complete 10 questions on these revision topics:
Fractions, Decimals, A & P, Time, Money

- Science Spelling on Mon, 28 Sep. Light Topic (No. 11-20).
- Study the meaning of the words. As usual, you'll be tested meaning & write down spelling of the words.

Stay Fit and Healthy ... & Keep Indoors!

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Science Practice Paper Set 1 (Booklet B)

Complete Question 37 to 40 only.

This is due tomorrow, 23 Sep (Wed).

English tasks

Due tomorrow:

  • LRD page 14. Cut out both Part 1 and Part 2 (total of 15 questions) neatly and paste them correctly in your Spelling book.
Due on Monday (28/9/2015):
  1. Reading recordings for pages 63 and 72 of your LC book. Send your recordings to me via email.
  2. SBC for pages 62 and 71 of your LC book. Answer the prompts using appropriate scaffolds and connectors in 2 separate foolscap paper. Then, staple your write-ups on the correct pages.

Monday 21 September 2015

English Homework due tomorrow

  • PS 1 (Open-Ended Comprehension). Use the QRAC, Annotations, TGPS and BUN strategies.