Wednesday 31 December 2014

Welcome to Class 4B!

Dear parents of Class 4B,

Welcome to Class 4B! I'm glad to be with the class again for another year. I am looking forward to another productive year with the class.

The school takes attendance seriously. Whenever your child is absent, a medical certificate (MC) from the doctor or a parental note to explain the absence is required. Your child can pass the MC or note to me upon his/her return to school. Please also indicate clearly if he/she is to be excused from PE lessons as advised by the doctor. If I do not get a note from home, the absence will be marked as unexcused.

The pupils get to come up with the Class Promise in their groups today. I have consolidated them & gotten the pupils to write down in their handbook. Please help to review the Class Promise & homework policy with your child. (See attached below)

If you have any questions or concerns, you can leave a message at the school office at 64824650. Alternatively, you can email me at The school will continue to send out letters to parents through the students to disseminate important information. I have kept the 3B (2014) class blog and changed the URL to We will post up homework, notices and pictures of the students from time to time. Let us work together to make this year a fruitful one! Wishing you a blessed New Year in 2015!

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Jocelyn Tan-Koh Pei Li (Form teacher, Mathematics and Science teacher of 4B)

Class Promise
S  trive for your best.
T  reat others the way you like to be treated.
A Audience (Alert & Attentive)
R  espect your teachers and friends.
B  e punctual in handing in work.
U  nderstand others’ feelings.
C  ooperate well during group work.
K  eep our classroom spick & span.
S  elf-discipline at all times.

Homework Policy
Homework assignments will be given and written on the class whiteboard and pupils are expected to write it down in their Pupil Handbook. Pupil Handbook will be given to all pupils. We will also upload information regarding homework on the class blog as well. We would highly encourage you to “follow” the class blog so that you can help to remind your child about the homework. Ensure that your child is equipped with a homework file to keep all worksheets and handouts in. Please ensure that your child completes and hands in the homework to the respective teachers on time. Similarly, for handouts which require input from parents, please ensure that the handouts are filled in and sent back to the school the next day, through your child.

All completed work will be marked and corrections will be done in class before they are sent back home with the pupil. Pupils who are unable to complete their corrections will be allowed to complete them at home. Homework can be given as form of written work or online assignments in our Learning Management System via

In addition, the Pupil Handbook serves as a communication tool between parents and teachers. Important announcements (remedial, signing of documents, short notes to parents) will be recorded by pupils in their handbook. Do spend several minutes each day to check your child’s handbook to ensure that your child has completed his/her assigned homework. You can sign beside the contents to indicate that you have read and noted them.

Books/Files to bring back in Term 1
To bring everyday in your school bag
- Maths Textbook 4A
- Science System Textbook
- New Science Nature Study Book (You can use back your P3 one if you had bought a new one only in Term 4)

To hand in by 7 Jan 2015 (Wed). Do ensure your names are written on them.
- Maths Workbook 4A Part 1
- Maths Blue File
- Science P3/4 Process Skill Book
- Science Green File

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