Tuesday 2 September 2014

Term 3 Reflection & Summary on KF

Hi 3B Pupils,

As mentioned today, I need you to complete the reflection and summary in KF. Most of you should have completed the Summary at KB lab today. Please continue to get the Reflection done at home.

I've attached the 2 slides on what you're to do in the KF Reflection View. You can work on it from home to consolidate your learning this term on Magnets and KB lessons. Should you have any questions or problems while doing at home, feel free to post your comment in the class blog & I'll respond to you from there.

Summary Note (Term 3)
Purpose: To summarise, in one paragraph, what you've learnt from your friends in their notes in KF on the topic of Magnets.
Reflection Note (Term 3)
Purpose: To reflect on your learning process in the use of KF during KB lessons and to feedback to Mrs Tan how KF notes have impacted your learning in Magnets.

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