Tuesday 30 September 2014

Homework for Science

All due on Thursday (2 Oct)

1) Practice paper 2 (Booklet B) => Do question 46

2) Science Spelling => Corrections (if any) + Parents' signature

3) Complete labeling the plant model that we drew out in class today. See attached picture below.

Maths Workbook (for pupils who could not complete in class)

page 74 (Area & Perimeter)
page 77-78 (Challenging Questions)
page 27-30 (Angles)

I'll be going through the challenging questions in class tomorrow. Remember to bring back the workbook tomorrow.

Today's English homework

  • RC WS 6. Due first thing tomorrow morning.

Monday 29 September 2014

Area & Perimeter WS 1 & 2

Is due tomorrow. I'll go through the difficult questions in WS 2 in class tomorrow. Do try out the questions on your own first.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Making a Simple Plant Model

Hi Pupils,

Here's what we have done up so far on the Plant Model using recycled materials. You may continue to add more leaves and even flowers or fruits to your model.

Friday 26 September 2014

Science Practice Paper (2) Booklet A

Complete all 30 MCQ in the Optical Answer Sheet. Remember to use pencil to shade.

Weekend homework for English

  1. VC WS 20 and 22 on idioms. Click on this link: idiomsconnection to help you with the worksheets.
  2. LS 12.7: Open-ended Comprehension. Remember to use the QRAC + Annotations and TGPS strategies.
Have a good weekend and stay fit and healthy.

Leaves Classification Activity

Here's some ways pupils grouped the leaves:
- smooth vs jagged edges
- oval, long, heart and odd shapes
Can you think of 1 more way to group the leaves?
Post your ideas as comments below.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Maths Workbook & Maths File

Complete page 63-66

A gentle reminder to bring your your Maths File tomorrow after the Maths Test.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Class Activity on Area & Perimeter

Area = Amount of surface covered
Pupils used their body to occupy as much space as they can within the rectangle marked out by the white lines.

Perimeter = Distance around it
Pupils counted the number of steps as they walked around the perimeter of half of the hall.

Fractions WS 1

Due tomorrow, 24 Sept (Wed)

Thursday 18 September 2014

Guess what our pupils are doing?

Making a model of a plant using recycled materials

We are half done so far with the roots, stem & leaves. We will assemble them together next week.

In the meantime, if you can find more suitable recycled materials for the branches and roots, do bring them to class next week.

Maths Homework

Maths Heuristics (As many/much as) to complete
Due next Monday (22 Sep)

Long weekend homework ...

Please complete these:

  1. Compo corrections for the "Challenge"
  2. RC WS 9
Submit them first thing on Monday.

Also, please remember that you will  be going for your Learning Journey to LTA Gallery on Monday.

Have a great weekend. Stay fit and healthy everyone.

Maths Test Next Thurs (25 Sept)

Hi all,

The topics covered for the Maths Test are:
- Length, Mass, Volume Word Problem
- Fractions
- Time

Maths file has been returned to you for parent's signature and revision over the weekend.

Please bring back the file next Thurs after the Maths Test.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Monday 15 September 2014

Padlet Discussion on Area (Maths)

Hi pupils,

Please click on the link below for the Padlet discussion board on Area. 

Write your full name before making a post.
Double-click on an empty part of the board to make a post.

Term 4 Class Roles

Maths Homework & Parents' Signature

All corrections to be completed.
Do page 23 to 26.

Parents' Signature at the top right hand corner of page 7.

Please remember to bring back the book tomorrow.

Science Matters (Term 4)

Consent form for Science Supplementary Class has been given out to pupils.
18 & 25 Sept (Thurs), 2.15pm-3.45pm
Please return the acknowledgement slip by 17 Sept (Wed).

Science Spelling List for Plant System is given to pupils.
Spelling for all 10 words will be conducted next Thurs (25 Sept 2014)

Thursday 4 September 2014

Teacher's Day Celebration

Maths & Science Holiday Homework

Maths (Due on Mon, 15 Sept)
Complete Maths Practice paper Set 1. Do not do questions on angles, lines and area & perimeter. (Q7, 8, 15, 22, 27, 29 & 33)

Science (Due on Mon, 15 Sept)
Carry out an experiment on the germination of green bean seed for 5 days.
Materials you need: A plastic container/cup, 3 green bean seeds, cotton wool, some water
  • Observe how the seed coat of the green bean breaks open and when happens to the seed, which part comes out first and what happens next. Write down other interesting observations that you will observe. 
  • Record your observations in your NSB. (In a table form - See picture below)
  • Capture pictures or draw out the seed each day from day 1 to day 5. 

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Lower Primary Games Day 2014

Congratulations to Game 2 for receiving the bronze medal.

To the rest, you are all champions to me because you have practised and tried you best, working together as a team for the actual race. I'm sure there were valuable lessons learnt from working with your teammates. Remember, you may be disappointed but don't be discouraged!

Let's look forward to the Upper Primary Sports Day @ Stadium next year!