Tuesday 27 May 2014

IT lesson on MindMeister from Mconline

Hi all,
We had our IT lesson on Mindmeister today. I encourage all of you to continue your mindmap to summarise what you've learnt in Science in Term 1 & 2.

Do work in your assigned pairs to complete the mindmap at home. Since you've already shared with me, I will be checking your mindmap at the end of June holidays. The best mindmap done by the assigned pair will be printed for everyone to keep. The rest of the work will be printed and put up in class.

If you need to change any words in the boxes, remember to double click the boxes to go into the text and edit from there. Do not just select the box and "delete" or "backspace".

Remember to practise Cyberwellness when doing this online task.

That's all! Enjoy you holidays!

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