Friday 30 May 2014

Science Resources for Parents

Dear Parents,

You may find this useful. It was a letter sent out last year on how parents can get useful Science Resources for your child. Please note that the P3 pupils this year will be the first batch sitting for the 2014 New Science Syllabus. So, do take note of the New Syllabus to look out for when you get any Science Resources for your child.

Thursday 29 May 2014

June Holidays CACF tasks and a short video for your viewing pleasure.

  • Tasks 12 to 16. We have discussed how to complete them in class so now it is your turn to do them at home during the holidays. Remember that if you are drawing and designing anything related to the tasks, you need to colour them. 
Have a good rest and come back fresh and ready!

Maths File & SA1 Exam Papers

The following items were returned to pupils today to bring home.

  • Maths File
  • Maths SA1 Exam Papers (to file in Maths File)
  • Science SA1 Exam Papers (to get a separate file to keep at home) 
Science file & NSB has been collected from pupils for a book check. This is a reminder to keep all Science-related worksheets and exam papers until Primary 6 for revision purpose.

Things to bring back to school in Term 3 Week 1 (Mon)

  • An empty Maths Blue File (you may get a new blue file OR keep the Term 1 & 2 worksheets at home in a separate file and bring back your old blue empty file)

June Holiday Homework (Maths & Science)

Science Process Skill Book (30 minutes)
Chapter 4 Materials (page 63-68) - 10 questions
Qn 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Maths Heuristic Worksheet (3-quantity comparison) (30 minutes)
Complete Question 4 & 5

Both homework due on Monday (Term 3 Week 1)

Tuesday 27 May 2014

IT lesson on MindMeister from Mconline

Hi all,
We had our IT lesson on Mindmeister today. I encourage all of you to continue your mindmap to summarise what you've learnt in Science in Term 1 & 2.

Do work in your assigned pairs to complete the mindmap at home. Since you've already shared with me, I will be checking your mindmap at the end of June holidays. The best mindmap done by the assigned pair will be printed for everyone to keep. The rest of the work will be printed and put up in class.

If you need to change any words in the boxes, remember to double click the boxes to go into the text and edit from there. Do not just select the box and "delete" or "backspace".

Remember to practise Cyberwellness when doing this online task.

That's all! Enjoy you holidays!

Monday 26 May 2014

Thank you ...

to those who have made someone happy today with your 'Thank You' cards.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Card ...

Your Thank You Card is due on Monday. Remember to add in the note of thanks in the card, decorate and colour it before you submit it. Have fun!

Friday 16 May 2014

Fire Fighter Uniform - How it is made?

Go to "Materials View" on KF => More Discussion on Materials [16 May]...
Post New Notes on your thoughts about this experiment.

Unburnable Money - Science Experiment!

Go to "Materials View" on KF => More Discussion on Materials [16 May]...
Post New Notes on your thoughts about this experiment.

Balloon in a Candle Flame - Science Experiment

Go to "Materials View" on KF => More Discussion on Materials [16 May]...
Post New Notes on your thoughts about this experiment.

Friday 9 May 2014

Star pupils for the Month of April

Titus Ng and Esther Wong

For Filing at Home

These are the papers returned to pupils this week to file in on their own at home. We've completed going through the corrections.

In Science File
1) Activity 13 - The right Choice
2) Practice Paper (1) Booklet A (2013) - Returned to pupils last week
3) Practice Paper (1) Booklet B (2013)
4) Practice Paper (2) Booklet A (2012) + Answer Sheet for Shading
5) Activity 11 - Test their Properties!

In Maths File
1) Maths Topical Test (3)
2) Solving Problem 2 - Worksheet 1 & 2
3) Revision Paper Set 1

Exams Quotes 2 Exams Quotes 2

Some things to take note of ...

Get your parents to sign the worksheets and revision papers in your English worksheet file. Return the file to me on Monday.


Tuesday 6 May 2014

Maths Homework

Maths Homework due tomorrow
1) Solving Word Problem (last page only)
2) Workbook page 71-73

Science Revision Matters

The following Activity Sheets and Revision Papers has been returned to pupils today. Please file them into your Science file.
1) Activity 13 - The right Choice
2) Practice Paper (1) Booklet A (2013) - Returned to pupils last week
3) Practice Paper (1) Booklet B (2013)

I'll return the following papers over the next few days.
1) Activity 11 - Test their Properties!
2) Practice Paper (2) Booklet A (2012) + Answer Sheet for Shading