Friday 11 April 2014

Science Homework this weekend...

Science Practice Paper (1) Booklet A
Do page 1-17 only (pg 18-19 will be done after we've covered Materials). This is due on Mon.

Science: KF & NSB 
1) Go to Animals view to select some notes to read.
    Note down New Information from others' notes and record in your NSB.

2) Go to Animals view => Insect view
    Post new notes + build on others' notes.

3) Go to Animals view => Supplementary Class (10 Apr)
    Question: How can the 6 animal groups (Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Insects, Reptiles & Mammals) be        classified based on similarities and differences in their common observable characteristics?
    Post your answer as a new note.
    (remember to use the keywords for comparison: "Both...." and ".....but......")

4) Go to Materials view
     Think about the short discussion we have during supp class and post on this statement:
      "Materials is __________________"

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