Tuesday 29 April 2014

Monday 28 April 2014

Homework - Maths Workbook

We have completed page 61-63 in class today.
Homework for today is to do page 64-66.
Remember to highlight the key information in the word problem and draw your model for each question.

We will be going through these questions in class tomorrow. 

Do not give up even if the models can a little complicated. Remember, models are excellent way to show your understanding of the question. 

Quotes_Do Not Give Up

Return of Maths File & Workbook for Parents' Signature

Hi pupils,

Please get the following seen and sign by your parents.

1) Maths File - Sign at Content page, Parent's Signature Column
2) Maths Workbook - Sign at top right hand corner of each chapter at the following pages (5, 23 & 43)

Friday 25 April 2014

Change in P3 Science Exam Format

Science Homework

1) Practice Paper (1) Booklet B - Q35, 36, 38, 40, 41
2) Nature Study Book - Complete the concept map that was done in class on Thurs for the objects (file, bags and cups)

Thursday 17 April 2014

Science Activity 13

We have some hands-on activity during Science today. These were the items that pupils were given in their groups.
1) Hat
2) Metal & Plastic Hanger
3) Saucepan & Metal Cup
4) A Plastic and Glass Milk Bottle
5) A paper bag, plastic bag & recycled fabric bag

Go to Materials => Hands-on Activity View
Read the notes that you and your classmates have posted on the items given to your group. You need to read other groups' notes to find out about their ideas on the items that they observed.

Complete Activity 13 and hand-in on Monday.

Social Studies and English Homework

  • For Social Studies, complete the activity on page 6 of your Activity Book. 
  • For English, 
    • Get your parents to sign the Vocabulary Cloze (VC) Booklet 1 (cover page).
    • Do Worksheet 6 of your Reading Comprehension (RC) Booklet 1.
Submit all of the above tasks on Monday, 21 April.

Have A Good Break (Good Friday). Keep fit and healthy.

SA1 Exam Schedule

Monday 14 April 2014

Friday 11 April 2014

Science Homework this weekend...

Science Practice Paper (1) Booklet A
Do page 1-17 only (pg 18-19 will be done after we've covered Materials). This is due on Mon.

Science: KF & NSB 
1) Go to Animals view to select some notes to read.
    Note down New Information from others' notes and record in your NSB.

2) Go to Animals view => Insect view
    Post new notes + build on others' notes.

3) Go to Animals view => Supplementary Class (10 Apr)
    Question: How can the 6 animal groups (Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Insects, Reptiles & Mammals) be        classified based on similarities and differences in their common observable characteristics?
    Post your answer as a new note.
    (remember to use the keywords for comparison: "Both...." and ".....but......")

4) Go to Materials view
     Think about the short discussion we have during supp class and post on this statement:
      "Materials is __________________"

VC ...

WS 18 and 20 are due on Monday.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Monday 7 April 2014

Math Multiplication Quiz & Maths Test 3

Multiplication Quiz - 10 Apr (Thursday)
(Memorise all timetables from 2 to 9)
This will be a speed test to check that pupils can get their timetables right.

Maths Test 3 - 2 May (Friday)
Topics covered: Multiplication & Division including word problems.

Maths Worksheet 2 Homework

1) Maths WS2 - qn 3 & 4
2) Maths Heuristics WS 5: Systematic Listing (only for pupils who have not complete in class today)

The above are due tomorrow.

Friday 4 April 2014


Remember to bring along your CACF storybook for our Supplementary lesson on Monday. Read chapters 11 to 15 thoroughly because you will be doing a group summary.

Also, ALL of you deserve one celebration clap for being so engrossed in your KB/KF lesson today. The principals were impressed. GOOD JOB everyone!

Thursday 3 April 2014

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Nature Study Book - Mapping concepts

Hi pupils,

We have discussed about the characteristics of amphibians and reptiles in class today.

How do amphibians breathe?
Check out this website.

Please complete mapping out the characteristics of the other animal groups (Fish, Mammals, insects, birds) as homework.

Mrs Tan