Wednesday 31 December 2014

Welcome to Class 4B!

Dear parents of Class 4B,

Welcome to Class 4B! I'm glad to be with the class again for another year. I am looking forward to another productive year with the class.

The school takes attendance seriously. Whenever your child is absent, a medical certificate (MC) from the doctor or a parental note to explain the absence is required. Your child can pass the MC or note to me upon his/her return to school. Please also indicate clearly if he/she is to be excused from PE lessons as advised by the doctor. If I do not get a note from home, the absence will be marked as unexcused.

The pupils get to come up with the Class Promise in their groups today. I have consolidated them & gotten the pupils to write down in their handbook. Please help to review the Class Promise & homework policy with your child. (See attached below)

If you have any questions or concerns, you can leave a message at the school office at 64824650. Alternatively, you can email me at The school will continue to send out letters to parents through the students to disseminate important information. I have kept the 3B (2014) class blog and changed the URL to We will post up homework, notices and pictures of the students from time to time. Let us work together to make this year a fruitful one! Wishing you a blessed New Year in 2015!

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Jocelyn Tan-Koh Pei Li (Form teacher, Mathematics and Science teacher of 4B)

Class Promise
S  trive for your best.
T  reat others the way you like to be treated.
A Audience (Alert & Attentive)
R  espect your teachers and friends.
B  e punctual in handing in work.
U  nderstand others’ feelings.
C  ooperate well during group work.
K  eep our classroom spick & span.
S  elf-discipline at all times.

Homework Policy
Homework assignments will be given and written on the class whiteboard and pupils are expected to write it down in their Pupil Handbook. Pupil Handbook will be given to all pupils. We will also upload information regarding homework on the class blog as well. We would highly encourage you to “follow” the class blog so that you can help to remind your child about the homework. Ensure that your child is equipped with a homework file to keep all worksheets and handouts in. Please ensure that your child completes and hands in the homework to the respective teachers on time. Similarly, for handouts which require input from parents, please ensure that the handouts are filled in and sent back to the school the next day, through your child.

All completed work will be marked and corrections will be done in class before they are sent back home with the pupil. Pupils who are unable to complete their corrections will be allowed to complete them at home. Homework can be given as form of written work or online assignments in our Learning Management System via

In addition, the Pupil Handbook serves as a communication tool between parents and teachers. Important announcements (remedial, signing of documents, short notes to parents) will be recorded by pupils in their handbook. Do spend several minutes each day to check your child’s handbook to ensure that your child has completed his/her assigned homework. You can sign beside the contents to indicate that you have read and noted them.

Books/Files to bring back in Term 1
To bring everyday in your school bag
- Maths Textbook 4A
- Science System Textbook
- New Science Nature Study Book (You can use back your P3 one if you had bought a new one only in Term 4)

To hand in by 7 Jan 2015 (Wed). Do ensure your names are written on them.
- Maths Workbook 4A Part 1
- Maths Blue File
- Science P3/4 Process Skill Book
- Science Green File

Monday 17 November 2014

Prize Giving Day 2014

Felise & Zi Xuan @ Backstage with Chinese Dance Group

1st in Class & Best in Chinese - Jeslyn Yeo

2nd in Class, Best in Science & Character Value Award - Gan Xi Yee

3rd in Class - Tan Jie Xin

Happy Holidays

Dear Pupils,

Thank you for the wonderful time of activities after SA2 exam. I had a great time at the Art LJs to Milenko's Studio & Singapore Art Museum. Hope you had a good time playing board games with your friends, getting together for the class party, contributing and sharing food with your friends. 

Have a blessed Christmas & great holidays with your family. 

 may your holidays be Blessed

Things to bring back next year on 2 Jan 2015:
- Maths Textbook 4A
- Maths Workbook 4A Part 1
- Maths Blue File
- Science System Textbook (We'll be doing Body System)
- Science P3/4 Process Skill Book
-Science Green File
- New Science Nature Study Book (You can use back your P3 one if you had bought a new one only in Term 4)

Monday 10 November 2014

Class Party changed to Wed 12pm

Hi pupils,

As quite a number of pupils are involved in the concert & prize giving rehearsal tomorrow, please note that the class party will be changed to Wed, 12pm.

Mr Kamsari will be contributing ice-cream & Mr Hong & myself will be getting pizza for all of you.

Friday 7 November 2014

What to bring on Mon (10 Nov)

Do not bring your normal school bag as we'll be having a Lego-Robotics Activity by a trainer from 8am to 12.30pm.

Class Party on Tuesday (11 Nov)

Dear Pupils,

It has been 1 year together. As your form teacher, I've learnt a lot from you. Your ideas shared in class (awesome!), your little successes & improvements (Never give up!), your inappropriate behaviour (yes, they are teachable moments), your strength & your weaknesses (Remember, nobody's perfect!). All these just makes the class grow stronger & improved for the better.

I trust that each of you would also have learnt a lot in this class. From academics (you work very hard!) to making friends, getting angry with your friends (let them cool down!), learning to forgive & move on (that's the way!), valuing one another's ideas (listen first), going for learning journeys (very exciting!), keeping the classroom clean (Yes, do it, it's your class), doing your best in group work, building on/improving your friends' idea during KB lessons for English & Science (A better theory is.....) and most importantly believing in yourself & your classmates

Harry Potter Working Hard Girl or Boy Room Kid School Studying Adhesive Vinyl Wall Decal Decoration Quote Lettering Decor Sticker Art G08

To celebrate all these successes achieved and hard work put in by every single one of you in the class, I would like to end this year with a Class Party.

Please share by posting a comment here on items you can contribute to the class party. If your friends have chosen an item, think of another item to bring.

You may also want to use this opportunity to share 1 thing you've learnt from the class that you still remember and any words of encouragement to any classmates or teachers.

Friday 24 October 2014

Pictures of Compound Leaves

A simple leaf has an undivided blade. However, the leaf shape may be formed of lobes, but the gaps between lobes do not reach to the main vein. A compound leaf has a fully subdivided blade, each leaflet of the blade being separated along a main or secondary vein. Because each leaflet can appear to be a simple leaf, it is important to recognize where the petiole occurs to identify a compound leaf. (adapted from

Here are some pictures of compound leaves.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Homework in Grammar Smart Book

Please complete:

  • Part A and B on pages 74 and 75
  • Part A and B on pages 78 and 79
These are due on Thursday.
Also, be reminded not to bring along your English Files until I tell you to do so because I do not want you to be burdened by its weight.

Science Process Skill Book Homework

Theses are the selected questions to be done. This is due on Thursday, 23 Oct.
Remember to bring back the book as I'll be going through the answers in class on Thursday.

Chapter 9 (Magnets)
MCQ (pg 128-133) - Q1, 6, 7, 8, 15 only
Open-ended (pg 133-141) - Q16, 20, 24, 28, 30 only

Chapter 8 (Plant System)
MCQ (pg 118-120) - Q1, 3, 4, 5, 7 only
Open-ended (pg 121-124) - Q10, 11, 15, 16 only

Maths & Science Filing Matters

These are the worksheets & revision papers returned for filing on your own.

To be filed into Maths File
1) Angles Worksheet 1
2) Heuristic Revision Worksheet 2 & 3

To be filed into Science File
1) Interaction Activity 3 (Freely Turning Magnets)
2) Practice Paper (1) Booklet B

Monday 13 October 2014

Maths & Science Homework on PSLE Marking Days

All due on Monday (20 Oct 2014)

1) Science Practice Paper (1) Booklet B
Complete the remaining questions from Q39 onwards.

2) Maths Practice Paper Set 2
Complete the whole set within 1h 45 min.

MC Online English tasks

Please complete the tasks I have assigned you at MC Online. There are altogether 7 Sets of:

  • Grammar Cloze
  • Grammar MCQ
  • Vocab Cloze
  • Vocab MCQ
  • Editing for Spelling and Grammar
The window period for these tasks is from Tuesday, 14 October to Saturday, 18 October. Click on this link to go to the MC Online site.

Have a good break and keep fit and healthy!

Friday 10 October 2014

Maths File for Revision

Here's the updated content page. Items highlighted in yellow are just returned for filing today. Pupils whose file are at home, please file in the worksheets on your own.

Maths Heuristics Revision Worksheet 2 & 3

Due Monday (13 Oct)

English reminders ...

  1. Revise through the Learning Sheets and other worksheets in your English File that I returned to you today. There will be an English mock exam on Monday, so be prepared.
  2. There will also be spelling at the end of day on Monday.
  3. Get your parents to sign the necessary worksheets in the English File. DO NOT bring back the file until I tell you to do so. It is very heavy. Keep it at home and do your revision. Most probably, you will need to return the file back for checking in Week 6 or 7, after your English exam.
In the meantime ...

Stay Fit and Healthy!

Thursday 9 October 2014

Science File for Revision

All worksheets and practice papers highlighted in purple are returned for filing & revision. 

To Pupils who left your file at home:
Please remember to file in the worksheets & content page given out today on your own.

Lastly, please get your parents' to sign in the content page.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Maths Workbook due Friday (10 Oct)

1) Refer to content page. Complete all corrections.
2) Do page 42 (perpendicular lines)
3) Do page 45-46 (parallel lines)

Remember to draw arrows in the same directions for parallel lines before naming the pairs of parallel lines.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Celery Stem & Kang Kong Plant Experiment

Hi pupils,

We have discussed this experiment in class this week.

Here's some pointer to summarise & consolidate your learning.

  • The red-coloured water is carried by the celery stem to the leaves, causing the leaves to turn red.
  • The water level dropped from 150ml to 80ml after 5 days.
  • The red-coloured water is absorbed by the kang kong roots, carried by its stem to the leaves. (This is observed as the water level in the beaker decreased after 5 days)
Do you know why the leaves of the kang kong plant did not turn red? (Hint: research on roots) Feel free to comment in the class blog why the leaves did not turn red.

Here's some pictures of the cross-section of the celery stem and sample of the leaves, tinted with red stains. 

Children Day Celebration

Long weekend homework

1) Maths Revision 4
2) Science Practice Paper (1) (Do only Qn 31-38.)

All due on Tuesday (7 Oct)

Maths & Science File has been returned for revision. Pupils whose files are at home, please file in the worksheets yourself at home.

Bring back all files on Tuesday.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Video: Plant parts & its functions

Watch this video below.
Post a comment on why the various parts of a plant are important.
Remember to be specific in your answers, using the correct keyword to explain.

Maths Revision 4

Is due next Tuesday (7 Oct)
Cross out 3 questions on parallel & perpendicular lines.

Writing tasks

  • Corrections for "Helping Others" is due tomorrow.
  • For those whom I have assigned the titles for you to type, follow these steps:
  1. Type out the compo based on your corrections. Name the compo with your name.
  2. Save the typed compo in a thumbdrive and pass it to me by next Tuesday.
  3. If you do not have a thumbdrive, you can just send it to me via email.
  4. Get the help of your parents if you are unsure of how to do it. I am confident they will be more than willing to help out.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Homework for Science

All due on Thursday (2 Oct)

1) Practice paper 2 (Booklet B) => Do question 46

2) Science Spelling => Corrections (if any) + Parents' signature

3) Complete labeling the plant model that we drew out in class today. See attached picture below.

Maths Workbook (for pupils who could not complete in class)

page 74 (Area & Perimeter)
page 77-78 (Challenging Questions)
page 27-30 (Angles)

I'll be going through the challenging questions in class tomorrow. Remember to bring back the workbook tomorrow.

Today's English homework

  • RC WS 6. Due first thing tomorrow morning.

Monday 29 September 2014

Area & Perimeter WS 1 & 2

Is due tomorrow. I'll go through the difficult questions in WS 2 in class tomorrow. Do try out the questions on your own first.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Making a Simple Plant Model

Hi Pupils,

Here's what we have done up so far on the Plant Model using recycled materials. You may continue to add more leaves and even flowers or fruits to your model.