Thursday 28 May 2015

June Holiday Assignments

These are the Assignments for Maths & Science:
  1. Go to MC Online - 50 Science MCQ from P3 & P4 topics. --- Access from 2 June onwards.
  2. Go to Learnlogy 
  • Click on "P4 Level Maths June Hols HW" to complete 10 questions. (Term 1 & 2 topics) 
          -- Access from 1 June onwards.
  • Click on "Fraction A Test" to complete 10 questions (Topics: Fractions)
          -- Access from today onwards.
  • Click on "Homework 1" to complete 5 questions (Topics: Multiplication/Division, Numbers, Fractions & Factors & Multiples)
          -- Access from today onwards.

English Holiday Assignments

  1. 2 Book Reviews. Use the worksheets that were given to you to complete them.
  2. MC Online tasks (click this):
  • Set 6 - Window period from 1 June to 14 June
  • Set 8 - Window period from 15 June to 27 June
Wishing you a good break and ...

Monday 25 May 2015

Science Matter Questions (Additional Practice)

For pupils who did not complete the 8 questions, this task is due tomorrow, 26 May.

A reminder to submit the consent form for Science Learning Journey by tomorrow.

Friday 22 May 2015

Reminders + Weekend Homework for Maths

  1. Complete Revision 1 (pg 157 - 168) by Monday (25 May)
  2. Consent form for Science Learning Journey on 3 July (Term 3 Week 1) has been given out. Please get parents' to acknowledge & return by Monday (25 May)
  3. Science File has been returned with Exam paper filed in. Keep file at home & bring back an empty Green File in Term 3.

Grammar Smart ...

pages 58 and 59 AND pages 62 and 63 are due on Monday.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Parents's Signature for Science Exam Paper

Booklet A (with OAS stapled in front) & Booklet B have been returned to you today.

Bring back tomorrow with parents' signature on the cover page of booklet B.

Pronouns ...

Learnign Sheet 6.2 is due tomorrow. Please be reminded that this LS has two pages.

Monday 18 May 2015

VC ...

WS 19 is due tomorrow. Find out the meanings of the words and earn additional stars.

Also, get your parents to sign the SA1 Paper 2 and submit it tomorrow too.

Friday 15 May 2015

Meet-the-Parents (MTP) Session on 29 May 2015 (Friday)

Dear Parents,

Meet-the-Parents (MTP) session is on Friday, 29 May 2015 from 8.00am – 3.30pm. Each pupil is provided a 10-minute timeslot for the meeting with the Form Teacher.  The venue for the session will be in 4B classroom.

Please note that a letter on the booking of slots for MTP Session has been given out today. The booking window period is from 16 May (Sat, 8am) to 24 May (Sun, 11pm). Booking will be on first come first serve basis. Please refer to Annex A on the procedures for booking the appointment.  Once the booking is submitted online, kindly note your appointment is considered confirmed. 

If you would like to meet your child’s Mother Tongue Language (MTL) teacher, please make your way to the School Hall.  It is expected that queue will form for most MTL teachers.  Alternatively, you can email your feedback, concerns or queries directly to your child’s MTL teacher. 

Please also note that your child’s report book will be issued on the day of the meeting.  If you are unable to meet the teachers on that day due to your work commitments, you may collect your child’s report book from the General Office during office hours during the first 2 weeks of the June holidays.

Important things to take note
  1. It is expected that the morning slots will be more popular, especially for working parents. As such, you are advised to book the afternoon slots if you are available in the afternoons.
  2. If your child has another sibling in the other levels, you are advised to give yourselves 5 to 10 minutes break in between the two slots so that the second session will not be affected by any delay in the first session.
  3. If there's any last minutes changes to the booking slots, do drop me an email ( so that I can advice you on an alternative schedule.
  4. If you are unable to come on 29 May, you can email me your concerns or queries & I will get back to you over the phone. 

Weekend homework ...

  • LS 6.6 (Open Ended Comprehension). Use your QRAC, TGPS and annotations. This is due on Monday.
I have also returned your SA1 Listening Comprehension Paper for your parents to sign. Return the signed paper to me on Monday.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Items to bring back tomorrow

Please bring the following items tomorrow

  1. Your Passport (if you're going for the Malacca Trip) - It will be kept by the school safely until the day of departure.
  2. 4B Maths Textbook & Workbook (We'll be starting Decimals from tomorrow onwards)
  3. Maths File & Workbook Practice Fastener Set (with Parent's Signature)
  4. Science File & Process Skill Book (with Parent's Signature )
  5. Science NSB 

Companion Booklet 6 tasks

  1. Cover Page
  2. PS1 (Open-Ended Comprehension). Remember to use the strategies.
All the above are due tomorrow.

Friday 8 May 2015

3 more items returned today.....File into Maths File.....Revision Matters

The following items were returned today. Please file them neatly in your Maths File on your own.
  1. Heuristic - Difference in Age (Part 2)
  2. Heuristic Revision Worksheet 1 & 2
  3. Practice Paper Set 2 (from 2013 SA1) - Done as a Mock Paper
Bring back your Maths File & Workbook Practice Fasterner Set next Tuesday after the paper.

Study Tips for Mathematics Paper

1. Practice, Practice & More Practice
It is impossible to study maths properly by just reading and listening. To study maths you have to roll up your sleeves and actually solve some problems.  The more you practice answering maths problems, the better and more confident you will get

2. Review Errors
When you’re practising with these problems, it’s important to work through the process for each solution. If you have made any mistakes, you should review them and understand where your problem-solving skills let you down. Understanding how you approached the problem and where you went wrong is a great way of becoming stronger and avoiding the same mistakes in the future.

3. Master the Key Concepts
Do not try to memorise the processes. This is counter-productive. It is much better and rewarding in the long-run to focus on understanding the process and logic that is involved. This will help you understand how you should approach such problems in the future.

Remember that Maths is a sequential subject so it’s important to have a firm understanding of the key concepts that underpin a mathematical topic before moving on to work on other, more complex solutions which are based on understanding the basics.

Remember: Maths requires time and patience to master. Persevere & Strive for Your Best!

just do your best

Reminders from me ...

  • Revise, revise , revise.
  • I have returned all the necessary files and books to you. Get your parents to acknowledge them and return all English related files and books to me on Monday.
  • Look at the poster below ... 
Wishing you all the very best in your exams. 

Thursday 7 May 2015

Last 2 items..... into Science File & Revision Matters

We have gone through the following items in class today. Please file them neatly in your Science File on your own.

  1. 2014 Practice Paper Booklet A (MCQ)
  2. 2014 Practice Paper Booklet B
Bring back your Science File next Wednesday after the paper.

Study Tips for your Science Exam
  • You MUST study. (e.g. Functions of each body system, Naming the various parts of each body systems, Listing the properties of Solid, Liquid & Gas, etc) Studying what you should know for each topics will help you answer the Recall (Knowledge) Questions.
  • Use Concept Maps to help you consolidate your understanding for each topic.
  • Revise Open-Ended Answering Techniques.
  1. Read and Underline key words in the question; 
  2. Link the question to the topic and concepts learnt; (Write down in the question paper)
  3. Construct the answers; (Use of correct keywords)
  4. Review the answers. (Are you answering to the question? Is it based on the observations given in the question?)
  • Look through your mistakes to understand why answers are incomplete & some answers are not acceptable. 
  • What is an experiment question? (Finding Aim, Variables, Relationship & Control & Fair Test)
  • Aim to score 50 out of 60 marks in your Booklet A (MCQ) (Especially so if you're weak in Booklet B open-ended questions.) Use elimination method when analysing the 4 given options. 

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Science Practice Paper MCQ (2014)

Complete all & bring tomorrow, 7 May. We will go through the answers in class tomorrow.

Spelling ...

There will be Spelling (Week 6 words and phrases) tomorrow, so please revise.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Maths Heuristic (Age Difference Remain Unchanged - Part 2) & Reminders

  • Complete Maths Heuristic (Age Difference Remain Unchanged - Part 2) by tomorrow, 6 May.

  • File in Maths Practice Paper Set 1 (2014) on your own into your Maths File at home. I've gone through the corrections in class today. Do look through your mistakes as you prepare for tomorrow's Mock Paper.

  • Remember to bring your Set square & Protractor for tomorrow's Maths Mock Paper.

VC ...

WS 13 and 14 are due tomorrow. For WS 14, extra points are up for grabs if you manage to find out the meanings of the words (possible answers) given.