Dear Pupils,
It has been 1 year together. As your form teacher, I've learnt a lot from you.
Your ideas shared in class (awesome!),
your little successes & improvements (Never give up!),
your inappropriate behaviour (yes, they are teachable moments),
your strength & your weaknesses (Remember, nobody's perfect!). All these just makes the class grow stronger & improved for the better.
I trust that each of you would also have learnt a lot in this class. From academics (you work very hard!) to making friends, getting angry with your friends (let them cool down!), learning to forgive & move on (that's the way!), valuing one another's ideas (listen first), going for learning journeys (very exciting!), keeping the classroom clean (Yes, do it, it's your class), doing your best in group work, building on/improving your friends' idea during KB lessons for English & Science (A better theory is.....) and most importantly believing in yourself & your classmates.
To celebrate all these successes achieved and hard work put in by every single one of you in the class, I would like to end this year with a Class Party.
Please share by
posting a comment here on items you can contribute to the class party. If your friends have chosen an item, think of another item to bring.
You may also want to use this opportunity to
share 1 thing you've learnt from the class that you still remember and
any words of encouragement to any classmates or teachers.